Grey’s Anatomy Photos & Promo: Meredith Deals with Being Blackballed in Episode 8.06

Lee Majors (Six Million Dollar Man) and Marilu Henner (Taxi) will both be making guest appearances on the October 20 episode of Grey’s Anatomy.
The episode, entitled “Poker Face”, will have Meredith trying to deal with the fact that she’s been blackballed by the other surgeons. So she’ll have to get tricky in order to accomplish things. For example, she uses Lexie to encourage Derek to help with her patient’s rare brain tumor case. She also secretly gives April advice about Bailey’s clinical trial.
Meanwhile, Callie continues to hope that Arizona and Mark can become friends. When they finally do become friends, she’s actually more irritated than happy, since they gang up on her. Cristina and Callie have to deal with an extremely difficult spinal surgery, while Teddy and Alex try to find alternative surgeries for a superficial patient.
Note that this episode is schedule to run until 10:02 p.m. ET, so adjust those DVRs!
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