10 Things You Didn’t Know about Greteli Fincham

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Greteli Fincham

The name Greteli Fincham may not ring any bells just yet, but the young actress is definitely on her way to becoming an international star. Born and raised in South Africa, Greteli made her acting debut in 2019. In just about a year, she has managed to land a hand full of roles and she’s already on the brink of her big break. Fincham was cast in the new Netflix series, Blood & Water, which is set to be released at the end of May 2020. Although the show is a South African production, many believe it will gain traction all over the world. Continue reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Greteli Fincham.

1. She’s A Model

Greteli may be new to the acting world, but she’s certainly not new to being in front of the camera. She’s also a model who is signed with an agency called Hey Judes which is located in Cape Town. It’s unclear how far along she is in her career, but she’s already built up a nice portfolio.

2. She Was A Shy Kid

When Greteli was a kid, a career in acting didn’t seem like a possibility because she was so shy. Her mom actually got her into acting in the hopes that it would help break her out of her shell. It looks like Greteli’s mom’s plan worked and then some.

3. Yellow Is Her Favorite Color

Despite her shy personality, Greteli has always had a sense of boldness to her which is clear in her choice of yellow as a favorite color. Greteli always dreamed of wearing a yellow dress at her final high school dance, but was nervous because yellow can be a tough color to pull off. However, she was able to find the perfect yellow dress, and she wore it proudly.

4. She’s An Entrepreneur

In addition to work her work as an actress, Greteli Fincham is also an entrepreneur who has already started two businesses of her own. She started a photography business as well as a business selling illustrations.

5. She Knows Nothing In Acting Is Guaranteed

Greteli is excited about all of her new opportunities in the entertainment world, and she’s taking advantage of them. However, she completely understands that nothing is guaranteed. This fact is one of the reasons she has worked so hard to create her own businesses. She believes that it’s important for her to create jobs for herself since she may not always be able to rely on acting.

6. She Speaks English

Most of Greteli’s acting work has been done in Afrikaans, and that seems to be her primary language. However, she also speaks English. The ability to speak two languages will definitely come in handy as Greteli’s career continues to expand.

7. She Loves Getting To Know Her Characters

Getting into character always requires a lot of research. Actors need to be able to have a strong understanding of the role they’re playing, and sometimes getting to that point can be very challenging. For Greteli, the process of getting to know the character she’s playing is one of the best parts of acting.

8. She Loves Meeting New People

Thanks to her work as an actress, Greteli has gotten to meet all sorts of people. When asked what she liked most about her career, Greteli told Rooi Rose, “I think meeting new people all the time and building relationships is the most fun.”

9. She Is Inspired By Many Things

Greteli leans on inspiration a lot in her work as an actress, and she is inspired by many things. Greteli said, “There are incredibly many things that inspire me – people, things, animals… I always tell others my life is like a flower box in which a lot of different seeds have been planted that cover different areas of my life. And different people, things, animals or events that inspire me, come to water those seeds and then grow them in strong plants with the most beautiful flowers. And later, it’s a nice flower box because of other people who help me grow and inspire me.”

10. She Has A Close Relationship With Her Family

We’re all heard stories about people who ditch their family once they find success, but that won’t be the case for Greteli. She comes from a close family and continues to have a close relationship with her loved ones.

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