Grace and Frankie Season 1 Episode 2 Review: “The Credit Cards”

Grace and Frankie

The first episode of Netflix’s new comedy Grace and Frankie was notable because it was both intriguing and disappointing. It was interesting enough, though, for me to keep going, so here’s a look at the second episode, “The Credit Cards.”

“The Credit Cards” opens with Grace and Frankie still at the beach house that they share with their husbands, while Robert and Sol are waking up after a night together. One thing that the show continues to do exceptionally well (a very important thing, too) is showcase how wonderful the chemistry is between the four leads. Whenever any two or more of the main characters are in the same room, it’s almost as if the show can do no wrong. This chemistry is perfectly exemplified in these opening scenes as both Grace and Frankie and Robert and Sol adjust to life living together. While the chemistry between the leads is wonderful, however, “The Credit Cards” continues to show that the rest of the cast, whether guest or recurring, is just not at the caliber of Fonda, Tomlin, Waterston, or Sheen. Hopefully, this aspect of the show will improve as the series continues.

The big dramatic push for this episode deals with Robert and Sol cancelling Grace and Frankie’s credit cards. While the reasoning is solid (so that no big purchases can be made until after the divorces are finalized), Sol realizes (rightly) that they should have talked to their wives first. As would be expected, Grace and Frankie are not pleased with this development. Frankie’s friends give the two the advice that they should go to their homes and take what they want before Robert and Sol can do anything about it. Grace sends her daughters to her house for her things, while she and Frankie head to Frankie’s. Sol and Robert show up at the house to talk to the women, and the soon-to-be-divorced couples finally have solid heart-to-heart conversations with each other about the divorces and what’s going on. Grace’s daughters arrive at Frankie’s with her belongings, and Frankie’s son Coyote pulls up at the same time. A small history between Coyote and Mallory is implied, but the actual circumstances are put off for a later time. Bud, Frankie’s other son, also arrives, while Mallory’s husband Mitch shows up unexpectedly. Inside the house, the couples decide on a few terms for the divorces, Outside, Bud, Mallory, and Brianna decide to go get drinks while Coyote stays to talk to his mother. In the end, Grace and Frankie head back to the beach house to take comfort together.

Grace and Frankie continues to show the potential that it has as a series, but its flaws also continue to expose themselves too frequently. “The Credit Cards” was a much better episode than the premiere, but that may just simply be due to the lack of setup that was needed throughout most of this one. Even with its cracks, though, Grace and Frankie is inherently charming, and it proves itself to be a solid entry in a niche in which Netflix doesn’t have much of an original presence.

[Photo via Netflix]

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