The Good Wife 2.12 “Silly Season” Review = Cary Centric Excitement

The Good Wife 2.12 “Silly Season” Review = Cary Centric Excitement

The Good Wife 2.12 “Silly Season” Review = Cary Centric ExcitementI cannot lie. Matt Czuchry has grown up into a hell of an actor and a damned sexy one, as well. I adore cases when he is featured and “Silly Season” is just delightful in that regard. Because he is the only ADA assigned to Lockhart Gardner cases, Cary was front and center for most of the episode. Goody for us fans!

Peter’s campaign is also right in the middle of the episode and it’s times like this I wish that The Good Wife was named anything other than what it is. As long as this show is on the air, Peter can’t go anywhere other than prison or Alicia would not be the good wife. Why is the campaign so important this week? Because “the N Word” is not only part of the case, but part of the campaign. Peter’s in the middle of a nasty campaign strategy wherein he brings race into his opponent’s (Wendy Scott-Carr) platform. The opponents have been using their children to great ends, and it’s kind of sickening. Thankfully, I’ve seen little of this in real life, so there is at least a bit of decorum left in thinking this is strictly fictional.

The Good Wife 2.12 “Silly Season” Review = Cary Centric ExcitementIn dealing with the promotional flyer, Alicia and Peter share an actual husband and wife moment, wherein he asks her to share a bedroom again. He said his parents slept in separate rooms for 25 years, and he didn’t want to have his parents marriage. I can’t blame him. I don’t know if Alicia has forgiven Peter or not, but she did let him back into the house and into her family. That implies some sort of relationship. If I were him I wouldn’t settle for less than everything either. Let’s face it, Alicia pretty much has it all. She’s like the most intriguing, hot and exciting woman on television right now. In real life she’d be a force of nature!

The Good Wife 2.12 “Silly Season” Review = Cary Centric ExcitementSomehow Eli has no idea that Becca is behind all the flyers for the campaigns. The white-father (Is he one of us) and the abortion flyers (Florrick family values) both seem to be attributed to her. Since she showed up on the canvas, I have been unable to guess her angle. Does she want to sue Zach to hide her other, more nefarious, indiscretions? Is she so excited for a life in corrupted politics she’s starting as a teen? She has never fully fit into the scheme of things, and with this flyer business, it’s even more mysterious. I’m open to your comments, because I love this show too much to be in such a dark room.

The Good Wife 2.12 “Silly Season” Review = Cary Centric Excitement

Knowing the partners of Lockhart Gardner are crumbling is making things really difficult for Alicia and Kalinda. They’re in the dark and therefore taking the brunt of the office beatings. By beatings, I mean they think their jobs are in jeopardy; they are fighting to survive. The faster Derrick leaves the firm (signing with a drug kingpin??), the better for us viewers. I’d rather play DA’s office vs Lockhart Gardner than put up with this investigation of Kalinda and putting Cary into a place he knows he isn’t meant to be. Just yuck.

In a surprising move (to me) Peter chose his family over his campaign finances. I realize he’s been a good guy lately, but given the whole cheating scandal, I don’t know that I can easily believe he is swayed but the amazing wife he recently noticed over his campaign. If Eli is correct, I was wrong. And, frankly, that could change the dynamic of the show. We still have Will and Alicia sitting out there, unresolved. To know her husband chooses family over politics could have a huge impact on what decision she makes in the future. Is it wrong that I wish she was interested in Cary? Or he in her? That would be so hot. Just sayin’. But, oh, Alicia leaves the bedroom door open for Peter in the end. Whatever does this mean??

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