Gary Oldman Says He’s Open to Starring in a Marvel Movie

Gary Oldman Says He’s Open to Starring in a Marvel Movie

Shall we kill this idea before it even tries to gain any momentum? It has nothing to do with Oldman’s acting ability or his long history of Hollywood success. It is not about creating a role for him that would fit in perfectly with the Marvel movie storyline. It is all about this statement in a story:

“Twitter users referenced Oldman’s past domestic abuse accusations, citing a specific incident of alleged spousal abuse against ex-wife Donya Fiorentino.”

The #metoo movement once again extends its tentacles to reach out and likely successfully derail another man’s career. So we will try to look at the facts, most which will largely be ignored by the misplaced zeal of Twitter #metooers everywhere. Fiorentino has a nothing career in Hollywood, and that was after she and Oldman got divorced — so the idea of him “interfering” in her career and success is moot. The accusations have never been proven and on top of that Oldman was awarded custody of the children. (No word on whether Fiorentino was a fit mother – yet.)

Her side of the story that she told police was, “As I picked up the phone to call the police Gary put his hand on my neck and squeezed …I backed away, with the phone receiver in my hand. I tried to dial 911 … Gary grabbed the phone receiver from my hand, and hit me in the face with the telephone receiver three or four times.” But no arrest, no charges, no nothing. Whether her story is true or not I’m not judging, but if someone hit me in the face 3 or 4 times there would be some physical evidence. This happened in 2001, so there seems to have been plenty of opportunity for her to take a few selfies of the alleged damage. But nothing.

As for Oldman being awarded custody of his two sons in a Los Angeles court proceeding, the testimony is that Fiorentino was a recovering drug addict who, upon hearing the decision of the court, had to be restrained. An objective person would look at the evidence and seriously doubt the allegations that are more than 15 years old and have been vetted by law enforcement and the divorce courts. But let nothing stand in the way of the #metoo allegation train, which runs on rails made of she said-she said. It’s all one big hug fest.

Now that we are done with that, the question is whether Oldman is simply trying to sneak into a Marvel role that may have some longevity to it, as says, ” Though he admits he’s yet to see any of the newer DC Comics movies …” Uh oh. You would think that someone who is actually interested in a particular role or franchise would at least keep up with it. So in the end it may be that the #metoo effect argument does not seem to carry a significant amount of weight, especially given that Oldman picked up a Golden Globe this year and got the SAG for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for Darkest Hour. But methinks the age demographic for Darkest Hour is considerably older than those who watch Marvel movies.

We will wait and see how interested either Oldman or Marvel Studios is on picking up on the overtures.

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