Five Things You Didn’t Know About Ricky Whittle

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Ricky Whittle

For every star appearing in film and on television, there are countless individuals who had all the talent needed to make it big, but simply could not. This can happen for any number of reasons, from financial difficulties to health issues. However, some individuals are so incredibly talented that they are able to triumph over long odds to find success. One such individual is Ricky Whittle, an English actor who is poised to break out in North America.

Whittle is very popular in the UK, and he has even appeared on several celebrity game shows. However, his starring role in the new series American Gods has earned him greater fan recognition in the US. The show was just recently renewed for a second season, which is a great indication of Whittle’s talent.

Although he is known to most as an actor, Whittle actually possesses a wide range of skills. In addition, he has found success despite some very serious challenges in his past. In order to better appreciate his strength and ability, it is important to understand who he is offscreen. Here are five of the most interesting facts about Ricky Whittle.

5. He has traveled all over the world

As adults, almost everyone hopes to be able to see many different parts of the world. For a child, however, this can make life very difficult. Being uprooted from one’s friends and surroundings can be a great challenge, and it was one faced by Whittle in his youth. This is because his father worked in the Royal Air Force and routinely had to move. While it was certainly difficult, experiencing so many cultures most likely informed who Whittle is as a person today.

4. He is well educated

Given Whittle’s success, one might assume that he was discovered in his youth and has enjoyed a lavish career in entertainment throughout his adulthood. In reality, Whittle did not initially intend to become an actor. Instead, he enrolled at the Southampton Institute of Higher Learning in the criminology program. Ultimately, he did not finish his degree, as he left the university to pursue acting. It is lucky for his fans that he found acting before beginning a career in the legal field.

3. His first taste of fame was not through acting 

Although Whittle is an accomplished actor today, he first emerged as a successful model. While attending university, he managed to land an impressive modelling job as the face of a Reebok campaign. This first breakout role in 2000 was instrumental in finding success as an actor. It was because of his modelling work that he was scouted for his first major acting job on Dream Team. Those who tune in to watch him on American Gods can count themselves lucky that he did not decide to pursue a career in modelling, despite his incredible success.

2. He is an incredible athlete

It may seem too good to be true that a single individual can be a talented actor, accomplished model, and also have the athleticism to be a professional athlete. However, Whittle is fortunate and hard-working enough to be skilled in all of these fields. Growing up, Whittle was so talented that he represented his country in soccer, football, and athletics. He was such a phenomenal player that he was even being scouted by Arsenal F.C. and Celtic F.C. However, after suffering an injury, his hopes of playing professionally were lost.

1. He has overcome great adversity

The injury which prevented Whittle from playing soccer professionally was not the only setback he has faced. In 2002, while playing in a charity soccer game, he suffered a severe leg injury. This injury, a compound fracture, was so severe that doctors warned him he may never play again. However, with his incredible drive and work ethic, he was back on the field within two years.

Final Thoughts

Many people make the mistake of assuming that those who make in big in the entertainment industry achieved their success with natural talent alone. Ricky Whittle is a perfect illustration of how talent can only take one so far; overcoming adversity requires no small amount of courage and perseverance. Although he is certainly incredibly gifted, many individuals in his place would have been defeated by the challenges he faced. Whittle, on the other hand, has overcome all adversity and forged a highly successful career for himself.

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