Five Things You Didn’t Know About Chloe Kohanski

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Chloe Kohanski

For those who are unfamiliar with her name, Chloe Kohanski is the winner of the 13th season of The Voice, having emerged victorious over the other competitors in the last episode. However, it remains to be seen whether Kohanski will be able to translate the momentum of her win into true stardom in the musical world.

Here are five things that you may or may not have known about Chloe Kohanski:

Emulated Miley Cyrus

It was perhaps inevitable that Kohanski would start out on Miley Cyrus’s team. After all, she made a deliberate choice to emulate both Cyrus’s fashion sense and Cyrus’s singing style when she was still in school. Furthermore, it should be noted that Kohanski comes from Mt. Juliet, which is one of Nashville’s suburbs situated to its east.

Dropped Out of School to Pursue Her Dreams

Initially, Kohanski studied to become an English teacher, but in the end, she decided to go after her dream of becoming a professional musician. As a result, she dropped out of school before getting started by performing at various small venues to build up her reputation, which would enable her to go for something more. It is interesting to note that while Kohanski’s family was supportive, they were also concerned about her chances, which is why they cautioned her that she would have to pay her own way if she decided to drop out.

Sang In a Blues Band

At the time that she became involved with The Voice, Kohanski was the singer for a blues band, which is perhaps unsurprising considering that she was based out of Nashville. After all, while Nashville is best known for the presence of the country music industry, it is home to other kinds of music as well, with blues music being a particularly popular example.

Was Invited to Audition for The Voice

There are a number of ways that people can get on The Voice. The single best-known method is going to the auditions for the series, but it is interesting to note that wasn’t how Kohanski managed to get on. Instead, what happened was that someone saw her at one of her shows, which generated enough interest in them that they extended an invitation for her to do an audition. Kohanski agreed, thus leading to her eventual appearance on Season 13 of The Voice.

Her Win Is Blake Shelton’s Sixth Win

Although she started out on Miley Cyrus’s team, Kohanski’s win in Season 13 of The Voice represents Blake Shelton’s sixth win as a coach for the competitors. Amusingly, when the chance came up for someone else to steal her after she lost a Knockout Round to Ashland Croft, both Jennifer Hudson and Blake Shelton went for her, though it was Blake Shelton who went on to steal her for his team in the end. Luckily, even though Kohanski lost that round, it seemed that her performance nonetheless managed to wow the judges, seeing as how that was the reason that Shelton made the choice to intervene.

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