Five Things You didn’t Know about Brett Haley

Five Things You didn’t Know about Brett Haley

Five Things You didn’t Know about Brett Haley

Brett Haley is an American filmmaker that was born in Illinois before moving to Florida where he grew up. From a young age he was inspired by the need to tell a story, and was toting around a VHS camera when he was only 9 years of age. According to Haley he was inspired by many of the movies he watched growing up, and had decided what he wanted to do early on in his life.

Here are a few other things you might not have known about the man.

5. He knew what he wanted to do from a young age.

As it was mentioned above Haley knew very early on what he wanted to do. The passion to tell a story and to make people interested in what he produced was a driving force behind his decision to become a filmmaker. Like so many others before and after him Haley kept this dream alive by shooting his own home videos and creating elaborate story lines that would keep him busy for hours and hours. He simply knew what he wanted to do and didn’t allow anyone to tell him different. That’s mark of a good storyteller.

4. He attended the North Carolina School of the Arts

Despite having taught himself a few rudimentary skills he still needed the education to go along with his desire and so he decided to study in North Carolina where he managed to hone and refine his skills. A lot of filmmakers find that even with natural talent the art of making a film needs to be whittled down to a science that can help to compliment the artistic view that many individuals desire to bring to screen. By understanding the entire process one can then achieve a level of mastery that is nothing short of inspiring.

3. After graduation he worked as a production assistant in Los Angeles, CA.

One doesn’t just become a director when they graduate film school, though it would be nice. Haley had to pay his dues for a while before he was convinced that this wasn’t the direction he wanted to go. Once he realized what he really wanted to do and how to get it he moved on from this position and started taking on his own projects after relocating to Brooklyn, NY.

2. He co-wrote his first film with his sister-in-law.

Writing this first film with novelist Elizabeth Kennedy he discovered that the best way to become a filmmaker was to be a writer as well. In this manner he could come to better understand the dynamic of the story and how it was meant to flow. He also discovered that having a writing partner afforded him greater feedback and a chance to better himself through a kind of give and take method that helped to hone his writing abilities as well.

1. He directed The Hero.

Actor Sam Elliott, who has been lauded for his role in this film, was actually quite impressed with Haley’s script and told interviewers that it was something he felt was just right for him. In fact Haley has gone on to say that the film was written with Elliott in mind.

He’s only been active for a little over a decade in the film industry, but Haley is already showing that he has enormous potential. With more development and an adherence to co-writing his scripts there’s no telling just how far he’ll be able to go with his talents.


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