Five Movie Characters We Forgave Too Quickly For Doing Horrible Things

Five Movie Characters We Forgave Too Quickly For Doing Horrible Things

Five Movie Characters We Forgave Too Quickly For Doing Horrible Things

It might sound odd that forgiving anyone would be an issue, but when it comes to the things that some characters in the movies have done it’s definitely possible that we were too quick to forgive them since what they’d done required a great deal of atonement instead of a simple act that managed to get them off the hook. It’s not to say that some of these people need to be whipped or walked through a public square naked while being pelted with rotten fruit, but it’s likely that they should have paid a little more for their rotten acts. Some of them should likely be in prison, others would probably be better off being given a much stiffer punishment given the means they have at their disposal. But overall, people were simply too quick to forgive these characters, whether it was because they were a necessary evil or because they simply looked and sounded contrite in their manner.

Here are a few characters that we forgave a little too easily in the movies.

5. Loki – Thor: Ragnarok

This might be a complicated one since Loki has shown signs of redemption over the course of his time in the MCU, but given how much bad stuff he’s done it’s still extremely difficult to forgive him entirely since he’s actually killed people, and has usurped Odin’s throne as well in the past. The fact that Thor forgives him but doesn’t trust him isn’t quite enough, and even his time in his own show doesn’t absolve everything he’s done, but it would appear that it’s supposed to since he’s now being looked at as a sympathetic character that is trying to do something right. It’s amazing how a villain can become something else so quickly.

4. Amanda Waller – Suicide Squad

It’s hard to say if anyone has really forgiven this individual since she is one of the worst and yet she’s considered necessary in the story that she’s a part of, even if some folks would love to see her become one of the many casualties that give the Suicide Squad its name. The fact is however that she has to be forgiven quite a bit since Task Force X isn’t exactly the best idea that’s ever come along and Waller is one stone-cold…well, you know. She doesn’t care about anyone and doesn’t have any problem letting everyone around her know about it. This is the kind of character that really should suffer a little more.

3. Dan Gallagher – Fatal Attraction

The man cheated on his wife with a woman that’s mentally unbalanced and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him. Yeah, rewind to that part about how he cheated on his wife again and remind yourself that plenty of people are forgiven way too easily for this same thing. The idea of getting married to someone means that you’re days of extracurricular activities with the ladies are over, kaput, done. But a lot of people forgive this guy since the woman in question went so nuts on him that it became easier to take his side and hope like hell that the woman would just go away eventually.

2. Sebastian – Cruel Intentions

You could actually say that karma finally caught up to Sebastian and reminded him that he had a seriously big outstanding tab, but that might sound a little cruel. Oh well, it’s done and done since Sebastian was before he met the love of his life, one of the worst people in the movie since he used women and tossed them out like trash when he was done. On top of that, he made it a competition with his step-sister, who he wanted to sleep with. Yeah, try getting that tidbit out of your head. But while she never even tried to be good, Sebastian was at least on the right road to redemption.

1. Biff Tannen – Back to the Future

How in the world does a person have anything to do with the guy that almost raped his wife when they were still teenagers in high school? Did that one punch at the dance really make Biff into a boot-licking teddy bear? Most bullies would have come back the next day to try their luck again, this time with their full attention on their target. But still, the idea that Biff’s punishment was to be a small-time businessman that had to suck up to George, and be within sight of his wife, is kind of creepy since one would imagine that George might have distanced himself from Biff after that kind of unpleasant memory.

Forgiving people is all well and good most times, but there are those moments and situations when a character should likely suffer a little more for the pain and suffering they’ve unloaded on others, especially if they’re not remorseful in the least bit. Looking at you Amanda Waller.

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