Five Modern Family Spin-Off Shows That Could Work

Five Modern Family Spin-Off Shows That Could Work

Pritchett’s Closets & Blinds

Jay Prichett owns his own company called Prichett’s Closets and Blinds. It is where he made all his money. If you watch the show, you would know that he is very successful. There could be a Modern Family spin-off based on the company and the employees that work there. It could be something like the hit television show, The Office. Since Jay is the boss, we would hear about him more than we would see him. The person who is under Jay in the company could be the boss of the other workers.

Since The Office went off the air in 2013, fans have been hoping that there would be another show with a similar concept that is just as funny and Prichett’s Closets and Blinds could give fans just that. On occasion, Claire and Jay could guest star if there were a need for the big bosses to be preset, however, the day to day show could follow the lives of the rest of the employees. With the right characters and the best writers, this show could be an instant hit.

Modern Family has been a hit ever since its first season. Since the show is so good, it is only natural to believe that a show based off of this hit show would be good as well. Any of the ideas listed above could turn out to be just as successful as Modern Family.

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