Five Modern Family Spin-Off Shows That Could Work

Five Modern Family Spin-Off Shows That Could Work

Haley and Dylan Get Married

Dylan Marshall has been a huge part of Haley’s life since the show began. Even when they break up, he finds his way back into her life, much to her mother’s dismay. Dylan is one of the funniest characters on the show. It would be great to see a spin-off where Haley and Dylan get married and move into their own place. Neither of them are very focused or responsible. Watching them make the common mistakes that new couple make would be very funny. Considering that they are both relatively clueless, the problems that they can end up having and the trouble they will get themselves into could make for endless episodes.

Just watching them take their first trip to the supermarket to buy food for the week as a couple would be amusing. Reid Ewing and Sarah Hyland are both very talented and extremely funny. This spin-off could also bring members of Haley’s family to visit the couple at their new apartment. Just seeing Claire’s disapproval and Phil being oblivious to what is going on would be reason enogh to watch the spin-off. While Sarah Hyland and Reid Ewing are talented enough to be the entire show, the spin-off could include Dylan’s family who were have never met before. Considering how clueless Dylan is, it would be great to see where he comes from. They could also have friends in the building to give them a social lives and a group of friends to interact with would make the show great.

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