Five Modern Family Spin-Off Shows That Could Work

Five Modern Family Spin-Off Shows That Could Work

Gloria’s Crazy Family

If you have ever seen the episodes of Modern Family where Gloria’s family comes to visit, you would know how outrageous and colorful the family is. There could be a Modern Family spin-off based on her family. We know that she has a crazy mother and a sister. If they were to throw a few more family members into the mix, a few kids, and maybe a crazy old grandfather, it could be a hit show. Gloria’s ex-husband, Javier, could also be part of the show. Considering he is from the same place as Gloria and they were married, one would think that they are close. Putting her whole crazy family into one apartment building with scam artist Javier running the show, this spin-off could really take off. It also gives Gloria and Manny a chance to guest star on the show. Nothing would be funnier than seeing Jay stuck in a tiny apartment with Gloria’s insane Colombian family.

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