King Conan has been ‘in the works’ for a while according to a lot of people, but there’s a feeling that it should have been out long before now, especially since the endings of both movies, the Barbarian, and the Destroyer, ended with the idea that Conan had gone on to seek other adventures and in time had created his own place in the world. The Cimmerian, the last of his people as the story went in the first movie, isn’t the type of guy that would back down from any fight, but it remains to be seen what will happen to King Conan if he ever does return to the big screen, or even to a streaming service since his legend is one that people want to see continue. Remaking the legend has already been attempted a couple of times and it didn’t go over as well as it could have, but getting Arnold to take on the role once again and perhaps bring a fitting conclusion to the story is an idea that many people would be willing to see. Here are five ideas for King Conan that people would like to see.
5. Dagoth is reborn.
Yes, in the second movie it’s shown that Conan did destroy Dagoth, but one has to keep in mind that the god was an immortal being that had been given flesh, so perhaps it’s feasible to think that the deity was still around after he’d been set free from the flesh he’d taken on. Maybe Dagoth would be vengeful but leery after all this time, since the passing of years to an immortal is, as it’s been seen in the movies, not the same to a god as it is to a mortal man. Dagoth might have bided his time until Conan was older and his strength was fading a bit to seek his revenge. It’s even interesting to think that he would find a way to strike at the king in a manner that might really get under Conan’s skin.
4. Conan’s kingdom crumbles due to betrayal.
Bringing politics of any kind to a Conan movie feels like a surefire way to drag the story down, but it’s also likely that some of those in the writing room would want to dip into reality a little more now that Conan is no longer a free-range barbarian and is in charge of a kingdom. But thinking that Conan might become a figure of authority and someone that would have to deal with the issues that turn proud warriors into monarchs whose freedom to roam is severely hampered is kind of tough. Still, it does feel as though this might be a direction that some folks would like to see, if only because it might be viewed as the evolution of the character.
3. The servants of Set attempt to topple Conan.
It was seen in the second movie that the followers of Set are still around, and it’s not too difficult to think that at least one or more of them might harbor a grudge against the man that killed Thulsa Doom, the tyrant that had banded the order together so long ago. It’s a bit of a stretch with this idea since one would think that the people who still followed Set might have been taught that Conan isn’t anyone to be messed with, but sometimes grudges die hard and it would be kind of interesting to see this rivalry picked up again, perhaps with someone that might be able to match Conan in strength or someone who could gather the followers as Doom did.
2. Conan and Red Sonja meet and have an adventure.
This feels like an idea that would be widely accepted since while the two warriors have been on the minds of many people since the 80s it’s only in the comics that they’ve ever interacted. To see these two on the big screen having an adventure together would be a special kind of treat given that it would require someone to play Red Sonja that is still tough as hell but has seen the passing of years and is still ready for one last adventure. Or perhaps Red Sonja would finally conclude that she and Conan would make a formidable force, and one final quest is needed to clinch the decision. In any case, it would be a great crossover.
1. Conan comes face to face with Crom.
It’s been written that Crom doesn’t meddle in the affairs of mortals and doesn’t really care for his followers that much, but perhaps something could be made of this since Conan, who’s invoked Crom more than once in his life, might have made the god angry enough to walk the earth and seek him out. It does feel like a fitting way for Conan to end his story, fighting against his god for one reason or another, and therefore taking on an adventure to find something that would allow him to stand up to the deity. It’s the kind of fantasy that would hopefully ignite the passion for the story of Conan in the fans once again and a way that this story could reach a worthy conclusion. Seriously, King Conan can’t go out peacefully, that doesn’t even sound right.
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