The Five Most Entertaining Donald Trump and Celebrity Feuds Going Right Now

It’s very obvious that a lot of celebrities have a very big problem with the current POTUS and have taken their shots at him in various ways. While it’s not for anyone to say if it’s completely right or wrong, though they do anyway, it is enough to say that things haven’t gone the way that Trump or the celebrities have wanted. After all, Trump is still in office and those celebrities that claimed they would leave the country are still here. So in truth the feuds that are going on make about as much sense as the famed Hatfields and McCoys, there’s simply a lot of shouting and fighting going on and nothing’s really getting done. For those of us wondering just when something is going to finally pop off and happen when it comes to the presidency and the celebrities that can’t seem to stay quiet, it’s not likely that the latter are going to renounce their current lifestyle to pursue a vendetta against Trump, and Trump isn’t going to just willingly step down to end the feud. So in reality, it’s a war of hypocrisy that doesn’t seem to have an end.

Staying in the middle might not be respected by either side, but getting burned by one side or the other seems even less than appealing. Here are just a few celebrities, there are more than a few, that have a serious issue with Trump.

5. Michael Moore

Micheal Moore is well-known for telling the truths in his films that people simply don’t want to hear in an effort to raise public awareness and, in the case of Trump, to simply get on his nerves and possibly make him want to quit. Moore has every right to make his films and put whatever is allowed by the law into them so that people can enjoy them. But one thing that he needs to recognize is that his opinion isn’t always going to be that popular with Trump supporters or anti-Trump supporters. For his own part, Trump simply didn’t like Moore’s last film and thought it was just horrible. But then his is just one more opinion no matter that he is the POTUS.

4. Chrissy Teigen

It’s been seen since his rise to the presidency that Trump is a Twitter addict and quite honestly he’s on his Twitter account more than the average teenager it seems. Unfortunately he’s not much more mature than the average teenager when it comes to being criticized and as it’s been seen in broadcasts and over the Twitterverse Trump is a bit petulant when it comes to people telling him what they think. In fact he actually blocked Teigen from posting anything else on his account, which says a lot more about his lack of character than hers. She did post “No one likes you” on his Twitter feed, but at the same time he’s taken so much worse from others and not batted an eyelash. Maybe he was having a bad day at that point.

3. Snoop Dogg

Do you get the idea that our current POTUS has a rather thin skin despite everything he’s said to date? Yes the video does show a Trump stand-in wearing clown makeup and it does show Snoop Dogg pointing a gun at him. But it’s not a bloody, severed head that he’s holding and it’s not an open threat to Trump. Instead it’s a bit of satire in music video that some people might have thought went a little too far. Unlike Kathy Griffin however Snoop Dogg was singing in a video, not holding Trump at gunpoint for a wide audience to look at before he pulled the trigger. It might be kind of tasteless, but it also seems as though the president is less than capable of simply changing the channel and moving on. Who knew that Trump watched  Snoop Dogg videos anyway?

2. Madonna

Madonna kind of took things in a very negative direction when she went after Trump, deciding to hop the sanity fence and say whatever it was that came to mind. In many ways her celebrity status was probably the only thing that saved her from being investigated by the FBI since anyone that says they think about blowing up the White House isn’t bound to be left alone in a peaceable way by the bureau. While the bile and venom she’s leveled at Trump is felt by a lot of fans and supporters she’s taking a very low road that Trump doesn’t want to entertain at the moment.

1. George Takei

George Takei hasn’t made any illusions as to what he thinks of Trump and his immigration policies. While Trump and his cabinet sit and try to spin the immigration issue as much as they can Takei and those that are of like-mind continue to make people aware of just what is going on and the fact that it’s happened before.

Whether you follow Trump or not these feuds that he has with others are quite often a big part of his doing.

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