So many people are begging for a director’s cut these days that it’s enough to make a person get eye strain from rolling their eyes so much. There are pros and cons to a director’s cut of course since there might be more explanation to certain scenes that didn’t make sense, there could be more action, there could be a bigger link between scenes, and it could improve the movie. But there are plenty of movies that just didn’t need the additions or subtractions that were eventually made since all it did was make things so much worse that fans actually stepped away from the movies for a while, wondering just why in the world the director had made such a horrible decision. There are fans that happen to like the director’s cut since there are times when things are done right and the movie doesn’t change too much and actually takes on the additions with a good deal of grace. But for those times that the movie actually comes out worse for the attention, people do feel the need to ask the director just what in the hell they were doing.
Here are a few movies that didn’t benefit from a director’s cut.
5. Apocalypse Now Redux
To be fair, this isn’t the worst addition in cinematic history, but at the very least, Coppola didn’t really add much to the movie with his cut and all he really did was extend the thing to a degree that people weren’t asking for. It’s very true that those who create something are their own worst critics most times since the need to have something be so insanely perfect that it will satisfy the fans and the director is sometimes a downfall since the additions made to this movie didn’t make a whole lot of sense. They didn’t do much when it came to pushing the story forward and in truth, a lot of people probably used a few scenes to take a bathroom break.
4. Star Wars
When the originals were redone and remastered and re-released in the 90s, a lot of fans had a serious issue with it since the original trilogy was considered to be just fine as it was. But the other hard part to take was that the additions to each movie were done in such a way that a few of them were a little too easy to spot since the filming that had been done in the past had to be melded with the additions that were put in. It’s easy to agree that Jabba really did need to be changed around since initially he was a human but then turned into a giant slug by the third movie. But unfortunately, the technology of the time wasn’t really up to the task.
3. Dumb and Dumber
Why there was a director’s cut for this movie is hard to imagine since it really didn’t need it. There was already a pretty impressive gross factor that was happening throughout the movie since between Lloyd and Harry the grossness was already a pretty common factor. But adding in scenes that made it even more evident that grossing people out was what was desired. It just wasn’t necessary and it didn’t further the story in any useful manner. The original movie that was released in the theaters was the best, and it definitely beats out the sequel without any doubt since the second movie was just a bunch of the same gags along with some new ones that weren’t that great.
2. Terminator 2
The desire to grab a director and shake them as one asks them why they would mess with one of their best movies is infuriatingly tempting since James Cameron had a hit in T2, but he had to go back and add a few things that were more exposition than anything and didn’t really change or even affect the outcome of the movie. We knew enough about the Dyson family to feel one way or another about them, and the implication that the T-800 parts were going to be destroyed was already there, it didn’t require any further pandering to Cameron’s need for perfection.
1. Sin City
The way this movie was created was actually pretty cool no matter what people that don’t like it might say. But the edits that went into it were infuriating since they created a very mashed and smushed feeling that kind of created a very crowded feeling that wasn’t appreciated. The separation between the stories was a lot nicer and the moment they intersected was great since it allowed a person to feel that everything connected but was still separate. After the edits and inclusions, it just felt like it was too much to take in at once.
Sometimes a movie really doesn’t need a director’s cut.
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