Five Awesome Origins of Famous Movie Monsters

Five Awesome Origins of Famous Movie Monsters

Five Awesome Origins of Famous Movie Monsters

Some monsters don’t take a lot of thought when it comes to figuring out their origins, but others make a person wonder just what the creator was thinking about when this idea popped into their heads, and how it came to be something that we could see and experience. in some case as I just mentioned it’s not that hard, but there are some that simply defy the imagination of some folks and are so far out there that trying to even think along the same lines as their creator is bound to cause a headache or a bout of anxiety as one’s mind has to reach for limits that they might not be entirely comfortable with. Looking at some of the monsters that have come crawling from the darkest corners of imagination it’s not hard to think of just how these things might have taken shape, though some of them are exceedingly simple and yet so great that you might do a face-palm trying to wonder how something so simple might have escaped so many people at once. Sometimes the effects of the final creature are enough to make the mind walk different paths than the truth that leads to back to their origin, but a very simple explanation exists for a lot of movie monsters, as surprising as that is.

Here are the origins of just a few of the most famous movie monsters.

5. J.K. Rowling came up with the dementors while struggling with her own depression.

They’re kind of a new entry compared to a lot of the monsters out there, but they’re one of the most interesting since the problem of depression is so huge. A lot of what J.K. Rowling was going through in her life while writing the Harry Potter books managed to make it into her story somehow, which isn’t hard to figure since a writer’s scope includes just about anything that’s seen, heard, or experienced. Likely there are far more references from her life in the books, but the dementors are the personification of the depression that she was going through at that point in her life, and she couldn’t have made them any better since they were designed to suck the happiness and life out of anyone until they were nothing but an empty shell. That sounds an awful lot like depression.

4. Wes Craven was inspired to make Freddy Krueger after learning of East Asian refugees were dying in their sleep after struggling with ‘something’ that doctors couldn’t define.

Fighting something or someone in your dreams isn’t an alien concept since dream interpretation has been an ongoing interest for a very long time in human history. But to actually die in a dream while fighting is something that obviously inspired Craven to think up a dream demon that would plague those that couldn’t wake up to literally save their lives. The gruesome images we saw were all Wes’s imagination, but the origin of Krueger’s reign in the dream world was still inspired by this unfortunate and definitely bizarre happening that to this day likely hasn’t been given a full explanation.

3. Merian C. Cooper had a fascination with gorillas that led to King Kong.

Due to fan reaction, he added a love element even if it wasn’t his first inclination, but the iconic scene atop the skyscraper with King Kong swatting at the airplanes was brought on by Cooper happening to notice planes buzzing overhead one day when he stepped out of a building. It’s amazing to many people how just one thing that’s seen and/or heard can force a creator’s mind from a slow jog into a sprint as they attempt to come up with a way to show their idea to the world.

2. Godzilla was basically a commentary on the dangers of atomic warfare.

This is something that’s been known to many people throughout the years, but occasionally it needs to be brought up as a reminder since the most current form of Godzilla would be an argument for global warming and everything else that’s been done to the world. The titans are essentially there to correct the world when it gets off course, and obviously, as it was stated in King of the Monsters, human beings are a part of the problem, and the titans are there to make certain that things are put back to rights in any way they can.

1. H.R. Giger’s artwork for the xenomorphs was inspired by his vivid nightmares.

One has to wonder how Giger ever got any sleep if this is the kind of thing he was seeing when he closed his eyes. Maybe after a while, he simply accepted it and started to take inspiration from his dreams, though it’s possible that by giving them form in this manner he gained a semblance of power over them. Of course, he managed to creep out more than one generation with this stark rendering of the xenomorphs and everything that went into the movies.

There’s usually an interesting story behind every horror.

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