Five Amazing Movies About Brothers

Five Amazing Movies About Brothers

Five Amazing Movies About Brothers

Some of the most amazing movies about brothers are those that seem like they might be the most messed up or the most tragic stories of all. In terms of family a brother can be someone you share a blood relation with or a person that you were raised with, it doesn’t matter. The idea is that once you’ve become a brother to someone you remain a brother for life, no matter what happens. Brothers tend to fight, to argue with one another, and at times to even war with one another over various ideals and situations. But in the end there is always the feeling of family, of brotherhood, that is important between them, no matter what seeks to separate them. True brotherhood is something that doesn’t just go away, nor is it something to be taken lightly.

Brothers might be an annoyance at times but they’re bound to be your best friend at some point in your life.

5. Step Brothers

Brennan and Dale don’t like each other to start with. In fact they happen to hate one another so badly that they do some of the worst things possible to each other. And yet somehow throughout the movie they find that they have more in common with one another than they initially believed. From that point on they become brothers in everything but blood.

4. Four Brothers

It’s not always the family you’re born to that becomes yours. If you’re raised around a family that you’d live or die to defend then that becomes your family no matter what.  The Mercer boys are a whole grab bag of bad habits and less than stellar attitudes but the one thing that they’ve got going for them is that they each know that they’ll stick up for each other when it’s needed.

3. Rain Man

Learning you had an older brother that you never really knew about would be a difficult development in anyone’s life but learning that he was also not entirely capable upstairs would be just as hard. Throughout the movie however the two eventually came to care about each other and by the end it was understood that Ray would be returning to the hospital he’d come from, but his brother would be a part of his life now.

2. Legends of the Fall

Three brothers could never have been as different. Samuel was the idealist, Alfred was the realist, and Tristan was off in another world entirely.  Yet for all that they were opposites the three brothers loved one another dearly and, barring Tristan’s wild and inescapable nature, they would do anything for one another. In the end it was Tristan that would remain, at least until his own end found him.

1. A River Runs Through It

Sometimes you have to back your brother no matter how much trouble he tends to get himself into or how often it happens. Family is family and there’s no real limit to what you will do for family unless you set one. No matter how you’re raised together and how much value is placed on being a decent, upstanding member of society, not everyone will take the same path. But it’s still important to be there for your brother.

Brothers can be extremely hard to like and quite irritating but they’re almost impossible to abandon.

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