Five Actors Who Could Play John McCain in a Movie Biopic

Following the passing of Senator John McCain it’s only natural at this point to want to somehow commemorate his life and create a biopic that can show just what went on during his days as a  younger man and what happened to make him who he was up until his passing. The chances are good that biopic would focus mainly on those aspects that made him look like a regular human being and not go into the worst parts that some feel the need to point out from time to time, but the hope would be that whoever made the film would be even-handed with the facts and not exaggerate or underplay anything that needed to be shown. If nothing else it might be wise to find someone that knew the man and could tell of his exploits back in the day to at least sit down and weigh in on what really happened. Of course Hollywood will do what it wants if such a thing was to ever occur, but it would be great to see a real rendering of the man in the best and worst of his life.

Here are a few actors that might be able to fit the role if they were tasked to do so.

5. Robert De Niro

De Niro is getting up there in years but he’s played characters much older than himself in the past and has managed to do it wonderfully, actually putting on the face he needed without much effort and allowing his talent to take over. For this role it would seem that he’s very well acclimated and could be the kind of guy that would make it work perfectly since he’s been known throughout his career to take on parts that are somewhat difficult and not always universally-popular but are still great parts that benefit greatly from his casting. It also seems that thanks to his disdain for Trump that he might be able to take on this role without any real prodding.

4. Joe Pesci

Joe Pesci is known for being more of a colorful and loudmouthed character than anything but what people might have forgotten is that he’s also played a few roles in which he was the wise, if somewhat eccentric, individual that wasn’t always swearing up a storm and could actually play a quiet part. The only problem with this is that Pesci is retired and might not even budge at the mention of a role such as this. The idea that he could do it is without question, but whether he would come out of retirement for one movie and a chance to go out with a lot of people looking up to him is something that would be interesting to see.

3. Anthony Hopkins

You know Anthony Hopkins would nail this role since he’s been such a great actor throughout his life that it might actually redeem him from the Transformers movie he took place in. He was still great in the film but at the same time you kind of had to wonder “Why Anthony, why?”. His redemption would be a small, negligible thing since his accomplishments to date have been so great that he’s been on a hot streak with his acting for a long time. Given his role in Westworld and his movie roles to date he’s been nothing but great and would be one of those that might be able to consider such a role as playing McCain as a slam dunk.

2. Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen doesn’t seem like a shoe-in for this role but he does seem like he would be in the running since he’s an accomplished actor and has put in a lot of work over the years making people believe in what he does. As a person that knows how to light it up on the screen he’s the kind of guy you can depend on for a great role but those days when he used to be the firebrand in movies are kind of over. These days he would need something that would be a little more to his liking and to his speed, and being the older version of McCain would be perfect in many ways while someone else was left to perform the younger days.

1. Brad Pitt

A lot of people might turn their noses up at this but Brad Pitt did a great job with the Curious Case of Benjamin Button thank to CGI and could do the same as the elderly McCain to be honest. On the upside he could even play the younger McCain and complete the entire course of the movie on his own so long as there were a few younger actors depending on how far back the biopic would go. This seems like it would be the best match out of all of them since Pitt would be able to fill more than just one time period.

Rest in peace sir.

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