5 Predictions for a Black Adam vs. Superman Movie
Black Adam has finally arrived, and it would appear that there are a few surprises that people weren’t quite ready for, which is standard for a lot of m
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Black Adam has finally arrived, and it would appear that there are a few surprises that people weren’t quite ready for, which is standard for a lot of m
Is there such a thing as elite storytelling? Some would no doubt think so, especially since a lot of stories do flow a lot better than others, and many do cap
Siblings in the Marvel Universe have rarely been perfect, especially if both siblings have qualities or powers that make them a match for one another or at le
Greed is a funny thing in the movies, well, not always funny, but interesting and kind of intriguing since it can be shown in a number of ways, not the least
Those of us that have siblings know what it’s like to grow up with older and younger brothers and sisters that are either our best friends or are bound
There have already been a lot of arguments that have arisen from the lack of respect that many characters in the MCU have been given, but the truth is that a
Somehow, a bad father in the Marvel Universe doesn’t sound like it’s too hard to imagine, just like a good mother isn’t. It’s kind of
Imagine how hard it would be to be a hero or simply an individual with powers that could help save the world, coupled with the responsibilities of being a par
Few American comedians have enjoyed success in both film and television like Will Ferrell. He has been featured in notable films and shows for decades. He has
Eventually, a story idea runs dry, the actors age out of their roles, or something else happens to make a sequel less possible than people think. But it would