Elder Scrolls 6 Update: Is the Game Playable Now?

The gaming industry has seen a surge of new titles hitting the market recently, and the Elder Scrolls 6 is one of the much-anticipated ones. Bethesda is well-established for its diligence in world-building, lore, and storytelling. The games are steeped in mythology, history, and lore, with detailed backstories for each race, region, and faction. The series began with the release of The Elder Scrolls: Arena in 1994 and has since included acclaimed titles such as Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, among others.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game that needs no introduction. Skyrim stands as the pinnacle of the Elder Scrolls series, having earned its place as one of the best entries in the franchise. The popularity speaks for itself, and perhaps that’s one reason why fans haven’t been overly demanding regarding the release of the next installment for the last few years. Still, that doesn’t mean fans aren’t still hyped about it. In fact, excitement continues to brew as fans eagerly await further news on what’s in store and how it might stack up against Skyrim.

Elder Scrolls 6 Is Still Unplayable After All This Time

Bethesda officially announced The Elder Scrolls 6 during their E3 2018 press conference. They teased fans with a quick 36-second trailer, then vanished for years without a word. There isn’t much else disclosed about the game except that they confirmed it’s “in development for the next chapter” after a drawn-out planning period. Bethesda’s celebration of The Elder Scrolls franchise’s 30th anniversary includes a mention of ongoing projects, notably The Elder Scrolls 6.

The company also reveals that early versions of the game are currently being played within the studio, but there’s still a slim chance for it to be in 2024 lineups. Former Skyrim lead designer Bruce Nesmith also sees common ground in how the Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 4 are being marketed. He also stated that companies which “start touting their games years ahead of time actually screw themselves,” so the odds Bethesda is going in this route are likely. Nesmith thinks Bethesda might follow suit, not revealing much until around six months before the game is set to launch.

Much like any Long-Awaited Game, Elder Scrolls 6 Is Not without Fans’ Theories

Elder Scrolls 6 Update: Is the Game Playable Now?

While Bethesda has kept details tightly under wraps, fans have pieced together clues and hints to formulate intriguing narratives that provide glimpses into what players might expect. Such is the case with a tweet from the official Elder Scrolls X account, which sent fans into a frenzy of speculation about what it could mean for the game. The tweet features, as far as one can tell, just a simple New Year’s message with a map of Skyrim. The map in question has three candles placed on it.

One candle is directly on top of Skyrim, while the other candle is placed on a book that’s holding the map down. Meanwhile, the third candle is positioned southwest of Skyrim’s borders and near Hammerfell’s label. Some believe it could be a subtle hint at the setting for The Elder Scrolls 6, as it’s positioned close to Hammerfell, the homeland of the Redguards. Early clues from the company also provide a sense of the quality they’re striving for. The director of Bethesda, Todd Howard, has also articulated a vision for a game that players can relish for “a decade at least,” much like Starfield.

Elder Scrolls 6 Is not an Exception in Platform Exclusivity

Elder Scrolls 6 Update: Is the Game Playable Now?

Similar to the rest of Bethesda’s games, speculations also abound regarding the potential exclusivity of Elder Scrolls 6 on Xbox and PC. Evidence from leaked documents in the Microsoft vs. FTC court case also supports the notion that The Elder Scrolls 6 might skip PlayStation consoles. Game reporter Stephen Totilo leaked a document from the Microsoft vs. FTC court case on X. The leaked document indicates internal plans for the game’s release on Xbox and PC platforms, leaving out PlayStation.

Microsoft’s statement on exclusivity reads, “In order to be on Xbox, I want us to be able to bring the full, complete package of what we have. And that would be true when I think about Elder Scrolls 6.” The document also notes that Elder Scrolls 6 is likely to be released in 2026 or thereafter. Microsoft has neither endorsed the leaked documents nor discredited them, but the odds of the sequel being available on PlayStation consoles appear to be low. And with Elder Scrolls 6 still on the horizon, Skyrim remains a benchmark against which all future entries in the series will be judged. Find out if Kingdom Hearts 4 has been confirmed for release.

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