From Dusk till Dawn Review: The Culebras Get “Fanglorious”

Madison Davenport in "From Dusk till Dawn: The Series"

This season of From Dusk till Dawn: The Series has been even more over-the-top than the two that came before, and it looks like that new trend will continue for a while. Let’s take a look at what happened in this week’s new episode, appropriately titled “Fanglorious.”

The episode opens at a rock concert, finally reuniting us with Scott Fuller, now a member of a pretty popular band. Scott is in a must better place (both figuratively and literally) than he was last season, and he’s adapted perfectly to his new lifestyle. A big part of this lifestyle involves using blood to rid the world of evil in his own Culebra way, and his current position feels like a surprisingly natural progression for his storyline. Brandon Soo Hoo has given underrated performances throughout the series, and his role in season three looks to finally give him some meatier material to work with.

Soon, Scott comes into contact with his possessed sister, amazed by the fact that she seems to be alive. The real Kate blinks through to give her brother a warning (also telling the audience definitively that she is still inside the body), but the being comes back out before much can be said. Freddie shows up on the scene and takes Scott into “custody” (largely to keep him from Kate), and he locks the boy up with the Gecko Brothers so that they can figure out how to use him to end things. Kate, meanwhile, sends some menacing creatures to do her dirty work and find Scott for her.

A large chunk of the episode deals with Kate’s minions trying to take back Scott and bring to her, and it gives us some very fun fight and action scenes that From Dusk till Dawn is very good at delivering. The series’ horror elements are sidelined a bit (as they often are on the show, quite frankly), but the action is just as fun as ever. I’m amazed at how this series never gets any recognition for its stunt choreography, and episodes such as this prove just how strong the series is in this particular aspect. We also got a great scene between Scott and his sister that delivered both on the action and the emotion fronts, and it really goes to show that when From Dusk till Dawn is good, it’s really good.

In spite of the action, “Fanglorious” felt a lot slower than the previous episodes this season. It was still fun, but it was easily the weakest episode so far in season three. There’s still plenty of room for the show to rebound (and I know it will), but I hope that the growing mythology doesn’t end up hampering the story.

What did you think about this week’s new episode of From Dusk till Dawn? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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