Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Star in New Captain America: Civil War Trailer on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Donald Trump

With Batman battling Superman in Batman v Superman and Captain America facing off against Iron Man in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War, 2016 has been a year in which our superheroes fight each other instead of working together. As Jimmy Kimmel pointed out last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, these movies are a lot like this year’s presidential election, where larger-than-life characters like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders continually butt heads and never find any type of middle ground.

However, Kimmel took that comparison one step further last night. Before he kicked off his week of Marvel coverage with “Team Cap” (Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, and Paul Rudd) from Civil War, he showed a “new” trailer for the film, which was actually just a giant spoof, featuring Bernie Sanders as Captain America and Donald Trump as Iron Man. Instead of saying lines from the movie, the two constantly quoted themselves, as Kimmel and his team used soundbites from both candidates campaigns to set up the battle between them.

The best part of the whole video, though, didn’t involve either Trump or Sanders. It was actually a surprise cameo by Hillary Clinton, but to find out which Marvel character she plays in the spoof, you’ll have to watch it for yourself below.

[Photo via YouTube]

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