Disney Princesses Gather For A Stunning Maternity Shoot

Disney Princesses Gather For A Stunning Maternity Shoot

At this point in the Disney Princesses universe you’d think we covered just about everything.  From princesses transformed into male heroes to Pokemon characters there isn’t a genre or theme that hasn’t been covered.  From lingerie to bikinis, every outfit, look and style has been created.  Well, almost every style.  Get ready for pregnant Disney princesses.  And I swear to God if some disgusting fetish site pops up because of this photo shoot I might quit the internet entirely.

Anyway, this maternity shoot by Texas-based photographers Victor and Marie Luna is definitely a first.  All of these ladies look gorgeous in the elegant, minimalist Disney-themed dresses from Sew Trendy.

With regard to the amount of Disney Princess ideas, I think I’m running out and the world might be running out.  It might be time to simply create additional princesses so we can keep this train running.  Here’s an idea.  Disney Princesses transformed into smurfs?  How about your favorite soap opera stars turned into Disney princesses?  OK who am I kidding?  It’s endless.

Check out more pics below.


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