Disney Is Creating Numerous “Star Wars” TV Shows

Disney Is Creating Numerous “Star Wars” TV Shows

In the era of reboots and reimaginings that has taken over the entertainment industry, we are seeing a bevvy of films and television shows that are set to peak interest in audiences everywhere. This allows for these franchises to find even larger audiences, both grasping at the nostalgia of older viewers while also adding new aspects to appeal to younger viewers all the same. This has been the same for the “Star Wars” franchise, which has released a few movie over the years. In the light of this success, it has been released that Disney is also set to release not one, but multiple “Star Wars” based television shows for viewers to tune into. In this article, we are going to give you the inside scoop on what to except with these various new series that are set to release, and what it might mean for the franchise itself. With that said, let’s get started.

Available To Stream

As the shows are being created and are going to be set to release, we are also seeing that they are only going to be available for viewers on the Disney streaming service that is soon to be released as well. The shows will also be conducted through the work of “Game Of Thrones” creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, which makes it promising for many viewers who are just hearing the news.

Little Detail As Of Yet

As of now, Disney CEO Bob Iger has been unable to release the majority of details that we are looking for as not all the details are set in stone just yet. The company is still in the works of finalizing a deal for the various projects. However, Iger has also said that one of these projects that has been developed should be revealed soon. There is also no indication as to whether these projects will be live action or animated — Our guess is that there might be a mixture of both within these projects at hand.

Franchise Fatigue

With the news of these projects coming into play, there are some that are concerned that there may be too much focus on the specific “Star Wars” franchise. There is such a thing as overworking something to the point of it losing it’s appeal; However, we are assuming that these projects in the works will have the opposite effect, as the production of the films has done astronomically well in recent years.

Although there is not much detail to be released just yet regarding the new and upcoming “Star Wars” television projects by Disney, but we are sure that is going to be amazing for audiences everywhere. We will just have to wait in anticipation as deals are finalized and specific details are released in the months and possibly years to come. Only time will tell what the “Star Wars” franchise has in store for its audiences and viewers, and we can’t wait to see all of the action unfold. Make sure to tune in later to find out more information about this franchise, and what we can expect from Disney in the time to come.

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