This Dave Chapelle Netflix Comedy Special Teaser Gave me Goosebumps

This Dave Chapelle Netflix Comedy Special Teaser Gave me Goosebumps

While Dave Chappelle isn’t 100% back because we’re not sure he’ll actually appear in all of his Netflix specials (as in what if he goes on walkabout again?), we’re 99% sure he’s back.  And the latest 30 second teaser for his upcoming special which contains 2 of his comedy shows that will be released March 21st, looks awesome.  Honestly it’s nothing special but the fact that it’s Chappelle makes it awesome, period.  It’s a black and white shot of him smoking a cigarette with bits from his stand up playing in the background.

But that doesn’t matter.  Those that know the comedic genius of Dave Chappelle have been waiting a very long time for this.  I personally think that Chapelle’s Show is one of the best sketch comedy shows of all-time.  Yeah, I said it.  Funnier than just about any SNL.   At times even more hardcore than In Living Color.   And I really don’t think I’ve ever laughed out loud that much from a show in my entire life.

While we may never see Chappelle on a television show ever again, I’ll certainly take all of the Chappelle stand up he can dish out.   Like I said, there’s nothing particularly special about this teaser but they could have literally had a picture of Dave Chappelle with the date 3/21/17 and run the thing for 10 minutes and I would have been excited.

Check it out below:


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