Clifford the Big Red Dog Trailer is Kind of Scaring People

Clifford the Big Red Dog Trailer is Kind of Scaring People

To be fair, Clifford the Big Red Dog looks like it might be a fun movie since a lot of us can probably remember Clifford from our childhood days, as he was created in the early 60s and has been a pop culture icon for a long time now. But one thing that is kind of odd to think about is whether he’ll remain the same size. It’s kind of odd simply because it’s not really understood why people would think this would change in a live-action movie. In the books, Clifford’s size did vary from time to time since he was definitely bigger than any other dog as a rule, but there were a few fluctuations when it came to the artwork. In this version, it’s already looking as though he’ll stay the same size, at least while he’s a puppy. The thing about dogs is that they grow up eventually, and they grow up quickly at times, so the puppy form we’re seeing in the trailer could be over in a big hurry.

That would mean that Clifford wouldn’t even be able to fit into an apartment at that point, and would need a home in the country no doubt to have even close to the amount of space he’d need. But finding that scary or even off-putting is kind of odd since there’s nothing that frightening about it. Of course, if one was stuck in a giant hamster ball and Clifford came running after them trying to play fetch, it’s fair to say that a lot of folks might issue their own version of the Wilhelm Scream as it’s heard in the trailer. That would be a ride that a lot of people wouldn’t soon forget. But apart from the possible size issue, there doesn’t look to be anything that horrible about the movie, other than what might happen if it was ever a reality. Imagine trying to potty train a dog the size of Clifford, now THAT would be a bit worrisome.

It does feel like an odd story to set in the city, but then it does invite a good deal of struggle that is still bound to be felt only as Clifford continues to grow. The idea that New Yorkers have seen it all would definitely be challenged, but in a very fun and amusing manner. It’s easy to think of why a lot of people would be excited to see one of their favorite characters from childhood in real life, well, in live-action any way. The reason for being afraid though is still a bit of a mystery since it appears to come down to people thinking that it won’t work is the main reason that anyone is having an issue with this. It’s true, there are bound to be mistakes that people are going to be likely to pick up if they watch closely enough, and thinking of a dog this big living in the city is ridiculous to the extreme, but it’s a story and one that is bound to have a happy ending hopefully since it’s nice to think that Clifford and his two humans would move to a bigger location near the end of the movie if only to ensure that the movie wouldn’t end on a sad note.

As to the reason he’s so red, well, that’s hopefully going to be touched upon since at the moment he does look like he belongs in Guardians of the Galaxy thanks to the bright crimson hue he’s sporting. But it still looks like a fun movie that a lot of people are going to try to enjoy, so the trepidation heading into this movie shouldn’t be all that bad. Of course, trying to tell that to people that have already made up their minds that the movie will be less than what they’re hoping for is kind of pointless. Making snap judgments about any movie comes easily to most of us, and has been done over and over, but after looking things over for a few moments there’s a good chance that some folks will at least decide to give the flick the benefit of doubt. Clifford could be a charming family movie if people are willing to sit down and watch.

A lot of ideas from the past are being developed these days, and in some cases, it’s looking kind of interesting since some of the projects that are getting ready to take off look as though they could usher in a new era of childhood memories. Those that doubt this might need to remember back to their own childhood if only to recall that some stories are worth taking the chance on. Overall, Clifford might be a fun time at the local theater for the family when all is said and done.

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