Castle: 5.16 “Hunt” Review


It took five seasons, but Mr. Andrew Marlowe and Co. finally managed to deliver a two-parter that was outstanding. I don’t know about you guys, but I admit I was expecting this second part to be… well, not as good as the first, as per tradition on Castle. Unfortunately, the past two seasons failed to deliver a solid two-parter and we would always come out of the second part disappointed. But that was not the case with “Hunt”.

There was just so much to love about this episode that I don’t even know where to start.I guess Castle going rogue was predictable because, really, what father wouldn’t do what he did, right? He gave in to his parental instinct to protect his child at all costs, no matter what kind of harm may befall him through his journey. I loved that his contact was one of his research sources for the Derrick Storm novels, but I especially enjoyed the fact that they seemed to remember that he is a writer and he has his shady contacts and he knows his way when he needs to do something off the grid. I won’t even go into the merit of the Paris backdrop and how awful it was because the rest of the episode more than made up for it.

I didn’t trust that French dude from the get go, but I admit I wasn’t expecting him to betray Castle like that and just leave him there to die. Thank God for Papa Castle, who saved his son, saved his granddaughter and saved the day. But more about that in a minute.

0603Back in New York, one of my very favorite scenes – probably from this entire season – was when Kate went ballistic on Henson’s girlfriend. I have seen that scene several times and it just gets better and better. Right then, she wasn’t a cop. She was a woman on a mission, willing to do anything to help her partner bring his child home safely. Great performance by Stana Katic, as usual.

Just like on “Target”, Nathan Fillion was in his best form and his reunion with the father he never knew was just amazing. That moment of shock and the second it took for that piece of information to sink in… Nathan played it beautifully. And what can I say about Papa Castle? He was just the best. I wasn’t really sure what to expect and I was so ready for it to suck (because, honestly, Castle’s dad is a spy? Really? Cliché much?), but it so didn’t. On the contrary. It was so, so good. James Brolin was fantastic in his role and I couldn’t have asked for a better way for Castle to meet his dad.

1342And that part warrants its own review and analysis because Castle just met his father. That was huge. And it was just so beautifully underplayed; I loved that they didn’t make a huge deal out of it and I really, really loved that Jackson Hunt (or whatever his name is) is just a really good guy. Because I was so afraid he wasn’t going to be. But he is, he’s a good person whose job took him away from his kid, but he still managed to keep an eye on him growing up. And the fact that he was the one responsible for giving Castle the book that eventually inspired him to become a writer? Fan-freaking-tastic!

But what really struck a chord with me and hit right in the heart was that Castle got this unique chance to meet his father at least once in his life and talk to him and hear him say that he is proud of him. I am sure that aspect of last night’s episode touched a lot of people who always dreamed about getting that chance, myself included. I just really, really hope we get to see Castle’s father again.

So bottom line, “Hunt” was everything that I could have hoped for in the conclusion of this two-parter. Because unlike season 2 “Tick, tick, tick” and “Boom” – that were action-packed and really, really great – “Target” and especially “Hunt” were action-packed and tense, yes, but they were also so emotional and poignant and beautiful that easily became my favorite two-parter yet and definitely two of my favorite episodes ever.

This is the kind of show I want to watch, Mr. Marlowe. I knew this show could be amazing and this two-parter really proved it. Now I just hope that we get to see the repercussions of everything that has gone down in these two episodes, but I admit I’m not holding my breath. But hey, a girl can dream, right?

Either way, “Hunt” knocked it out of the park.


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