Castle: 4.18 “A Dance With Death” Review

Castle: 4.18 “A Dance With Death” ReviewI think it’s a pretty safe bet to say that last night’s Castle, titled ‘A Dance with Death’, was thoroughly enjoyable and I have to say that it was one of the most entertaining episodes of the season thus far. A really interesting case, full of twists and turns (and they didn’t even make me roll my eyes at how predictable they were!) and plenty of storytelling for every single character. Kudos to writer Moira Kirland because she managed to include everyone in a really nice episode, giving screen time to every character in a very organic way. It was a solid hour of television and, for the first time in a long time, it felt like my favorite show was finally getting back on its feet.

Have I mentioned that I loved the case? No, your eyes are not deceiving you. I, who usually roll my eyes at pretty much 95% of the twists they throw our way, actually enjoyed last night’s case. I am not entirely sure what it was about this episode that made me love it so much, but I think that for the first time in a while, they actually got the pacing right and I found myself quite intrigued by it.

Castle: 4.18 “A Dance With Death” ReviewI admit I wasn’t jumping up and down in excitement with Martha’s subplot, but I loved that they didn’t just give up on Alexis interning with Lanie at the morgue. I have really despised the youngest Castle this season, but since she started this internship she has become so much more likable in my eyes. That and the fact that they finally gave Molly Quinn something worthwhile to do. That scene, in which Alexis gives her first briefing on an autopsy and Castle is so proud of his little girl, was just great to watch.

Ryan and Esposito have always been entertaining, but last night Seamus Dever and Jon Huertas were on fire. I found myself laughing out loud several times in their scenes and Ryan’s quest to get women to flirt with him and then the debacle of trying to get his ring off of Esposito’s finger. Their storyline was all around hilarious and it honestly just made me love Ryan even more for his awkward and adorable way of dealing with things.

Castle: 4.18 “A Dance With Death” Review

Finally, let’s talk about our favorite crime fighting dynamic duo. First, I have to comment that I loved the changes in Beckett’s wardrobe and the fact that it was so much more colorful last night. It looks so much better on her and I am guessing it reflects her state of mind at the moment. From the amount and frequency of smiles and love eyeballs she is throwing at Castle, I think it’s pretty safe to say that she is in a good place right now. I am not sure what it’s going to go down in the next few episodes, especially with (SPOILER ALERT!) her secret coming out in the very near future, but I honestly think she is finally ready to give this a shot with Castle. It feels like she’s just waiting for her cue to do so.

I loved their banter and that scene at the end, when Castle asks her what she wanted to be when she grew up, was all warm and fuzzy and I am pretty sure that shippers all over the world are a puddle of happiness on the floor right now. Everything seemed so much more lighthearted and easy between them last night that really just makes me think that this is the calm before the storm.

Castle: 4.18 “A Dance With Death” ReviewThere was so much to love about ‘A Dance with Death’, but what really got to me — besides its season 2-esque vibe — was that absolutely nothing major happened and it was still a really, really good episode. That, in turn, makes me wonder that if TPTB are more than capable of delivering solid episodes like this without actually moving the main storyline along, why didn’t they do so for the past ten episodes? Why did they have to makes us suffer through those below average episodes that made a lot of fans want to scream in frustration at how their favorite show had suddenly become boring? I honestly think that they should take this episode and make it an example of how to do an enjoyable filler episode for next season.

Of course that all my love and excitement for ‘A Dance with Death’were pretty much forgotten when ABC decided to torture tease us with that promo for next week. I am not commenting on it for now because I have no idea what the fall out is going to be.

But I am excited, guys. I am honest to god crazy excited in an omg-Monday-can’t-get-here-fast-enough way. I haven’t felt this way about Castle since ‘Cops & Robbers’. I just hope they actually deliver next week and that it meets our expectations. Because, as much I am trying to contain myself, my expectations are sky high after that promo.

You still haven’t seen it? Say no more. Take a look at it right now.

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