10 Things You Didn’t Know about Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley

A lot of us that watch the WWE have seen big guys come and big guys go since for all that brawn and bluster they might act tough but don’t seem to last too long if they can’t win over the crowd. Bobby Lashley has won the crowd on multiple occasions, but usually only when he’s out there to stomp someone into to canvas for a good or wrong reason. It’s kind of likely that the creative team at WWE is getting flak that’s duly earned since they’ve been writing stories for certain individuals that don’t seem to fully mesh with the way they’ve been represented in the past, and whether they like it or not, fans have taken note and simply don’t like it. Where Bobby Lashley was once one of the best of the best and someone that could be depended on to be the good guy, it’s now apparent that he’s just another big guy with a continual ax to grind against someone. That might not detract from his overall performance, but it certainly says something about how he’s being used in the business.

Here are a few things about Bobby you might not have known.

10. He’s a mixed martial artist as well as a pro wrestler.

Bobby might seem like just another big guy that can throw people around the ring, but in truth he’s actually pretty talented and is a very skilled fighter. He’s fought for a few different promotions in his time.

9. Bobby is currently in his 40s.

It’s almost enough to think that he’ll be headed into retirement eventually since MMA and wrestling are two activities that can really take a heavy toll on a body, but as of now he’s looking pretty good so it might be a while yet.

8. He was introduced to amateur wrestling in the 7th grade.

He’s been into wrestling in one aspect or another since he was pretty young and he stuck with it throughout the entire time which is impressive to say the least. But like many wrestlers he started out in the classic style, not beating people with chairs or body-slamming them into the ground.

7. Lashley made his way into the US Army after college.

He followed in his father’s footsteps and he continued to wrestle for the Army as well, winning championships along the way as he spent a few years in before being discharged. This is something that gets pushed quite often when he’s being hyped for a show.

6. At one time he was trying to qualify for Team USA for the Olympics.

He was planning on making the 2004 Olympics but got sidelined after an injury cost him his amateur career. It doesn’t take much sometimes to upend someone’s life when it comes to competing in a physical sport.

5. He was injured after witnessing a bank robbery.

The downside of Bobby’s injury is that it didn’t occur in the ring or anywhere that might have made a lot more sense. Instead he was witness to an armed robbery and had to take cover so as not to be injured. It’s kind of ironic that he still suffered a knee injury that took him out of the wrestling game for a while.

4. By 2005 he’d made his debut as a face on Smackdown.

Bobby came in as an absolute powerhouse that was there to tear things up and act as the good guy for a while, and he was good at it while people enjoyed his initial surge. But of course after a while the good guy image does tend to wear thin with fans and things have to change. While he did get more aggressive the creative team never really gave him much of a heel angle to work with until recently.

3. He’s wrestled for a couple of different promotions in his career.

A few wrestlers have gone from one company to another over the years over money, the way they’re treated, and other reasons as well. Bobby has gone on to win championships in multiple promotions and on the independent circuit. It’s really hard to say at this point just where he might fit in the best since as a strongman he’s kind of able to fit in most places for a while.

2. His win/loss record is pretty impressive when it comes to his MMA bouts.

He has a record of 15-2 in the MMA and that’s nothing to sneeze at really but it doesn’t seem to afford him much more notice than he might get from diehard fans of MMA, as a lot of people couldn’t tell you just how many fights he’s had.

1. He dated and had two kids with a former WWE Diva.

Bobby and Kristal Marshall had two children before finally splitting up. You might know Kristal due to her supposed on screen marriage to former GM Teddy Long. She was released from her contract only a few weeks after this.

He’s a big man and a strong athlete, but it’s still yet to be determined how best to use him in the business.

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