Blindspot Season 1 Episode 9 Review: “Authentic Flirt”


Blindspot‘s first season hasn’t let up on the gas at all with big reveals, and the writers have promised that this will continue throughout the show’s life. Let’s take a look at what happened and what was revealed in this week’s episode, “Authentic Flirt.”

The episode opens with a brutal torture in Barcelona as information on the subject’s brother is trying to be discovered. This scene is incredibly brief, but I wanted to mention it specifically because it may be the most intense scene (as far as violence goes) that Blindspot has shown us so far. Dealing so closely with the FBI as we are, it’s important that we don’t forget how dark this world actually is, even if we are just seeing it on television. The visual presentation of the show’s events can be really powerful at times, and it’s a great aspect of the series that I don’t mention enough.

The case this week begins as Jane, Weller, and the team arrive at a house holding the Bulgarians from the torture scene. When Patterson takes a look at the evidence they found on the scene, we get an explanation for why the man was in such peril to begin with. The case leads us into action with the US Marshals, and it helps to further build the universe of Blindspot as we get more people involved (just as it did recently with the CIA). It also allows us to see a different side of Jane as she has to go undercover as Weller’s wife. While seeing the two of them in such fancy attire is immensely enjoyable on its own, it also gives us more of Jane’s flashes of her past when the ring is placed on her finger. Something that this action did that I didn’t expect was make me realize that I really like the way the writers have been tying in her flashes with objects and experiences. It seems much more realistic that it would happen in this way than with them just randomly coming to her at inopportune times, which is something a lesser show might try to use. The case still contains its fair share of action, though, and there’s a super fun fight sequence in the back-half that I particularly enjoyed.

There isn’t much to say about it, but we do get another small glimpse into Kurt’s past through his interaction with the Marshal and with Jane while undercover. We still don’t know all that much about his backstory (other than the stuff with Taylor Shaw), but small details continue to get fleshed out as we go along.

“Authentic Flirt” was a fun episode of Blindspot that was full of heart and big on action. I like this trend that the latest episodes have been following with their writing, and I hope this continues as we move closer to the fall finale.

What did you think about “Authentic Flirt”? Are you still enjoying Blindspot? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

[Photo credit: Paul Sarkis/NBC]

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