credit: credit: Babish Culinary Universe
Ramen is a popular dish obviously since a lot of people have come to enjoy it in one form or another. Since people enjoy anime and love Naruto as well, it’s kind of expected that this type of episode on Binging with Babish would eventually surface. It’s fun to see that Alvin gets in on the act this time, as he’s done before, and it’s also interesting to note that this is one of the first times that he’s made ramen. Those who don’t eat a lot of ramen might not understand what the whole appeal of the dish is, but just looking at the finished product is enough to make a person’s mouth water since, well, it looks good.
There is apparently a lot that goes into this dish, however, especially if one wants to remain traditional and do more than simply toss a bunch of noodles into the water and boil them for a while. Yeah, that’s kind of what ramen has come to mean in the west quite often since it’s a cheap meal that can be made in a short amount of time and can be filling depending on what a person puts into it. But good, quality ramen is the kind of dish that’s going to keep a person full for a little bit, and will be as pleasing to the eyes as it is to the stomach.
There are a lot of meticulous steps when it comes to completing this dish.
How a person approaches a dish depends upon what they think of food and how it applies to their consumption. Some think that eating is just another biological function that needs to be attended to and that being meticulous is just prolonging the hunger that tends to come from not filling the tank. But there is something to be said about the many different steps that are completed when it comes to various dishes since the truth is that it does affect the flavor and even the overall enjoyment of the meal. Ramen is one of many meals that has been streamlined by a lot of people who want to experience the enjoyment as well as the convenience of the dish.

credit: Babish Culinary Universe
If a person doesn’t have the patience to cook, then this isn’t the dish for them.
Seriously, this type of meal is something that needs a bit of care and the kind of patience that a lot of people don’t have when it comes to cooking and consuming the meal. A good bowl of ramen is going to be a complete meal all on its own, but putting it together takes time, care, and, most of all, dedication to getting it right. A lot of people might scoff at that notion since food is food, right? But the fact of it is that a ramen meal, when made right, is going to look like a work of art as well as something yummy to chow down on when all is said and done.

credit: Babish Culinary Universe
Bringing this dish together is yet another step that needs to be given the proper respect.
Timing is a thing when it comes to a ramen dish since prepping everything ahead of time and making sure that the ingredients are secured and ready to go can make a huge difference when putting a bowl of ramen together. The fact that there are so many people who love ramen and not nearly as many who know how to create the various ramen dishes correctly is kind of amusing since it indicates that people fully enjoy the meal but not the work it takes to put it together. Still, when all is said and done, it’s impressive to see how ramen cooks work since, like any other chef, they need to know what ingredients will work with each other and which will only bog down the soup and turn it into an overall mess that is more or less an abomination in a bowl. There is a bit of ego to it, no doubt, but considering how challenging this dish can be to make, it’s an earned conceit that can easily be respected.
In the end, ramen is an art form as well as a pleasing dish.
This has been said more than once in the past since there are plenty of dishes out there that are considered works of art and that are also highly pleasing to the tastes of many individuals. The trick when appreciating artful food, however, is to consume it and enjoy every bite instead of sitting around and letting it go cold or bad when the need to take multiple pictures of it arises. Ramen is an art form, but it’s one that’s best appreciated by the full belly that it creates.
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