The Big Bang Theory Review: “Comic-Con”, Growing Up Present a “Conundrum”

The Big Bang Theory

After 10 seasons, it’s extremely difficult for shows to stay fresh and original. The Big Bang Theory still goes strong at this age because they continue the growth of their characters beyond reasonable expectation. Long ago, watching Big Bang in high school and college, I was sure that Penny and Leonard would never get married, or that Sheldon and Amy would never be able to have a physical relationship. But, just as the theme song dictates a brief evolution timeline, so the characters have also “evolved”, and “The Comic-Con Conundrum” was a perfect reflection of said evolution.

This week on The Big Bang Theory: Raj puts Sheldon in charge of his finances, which means that he is disallowed from buying tickets to Comic-Con this  year, so he looks for odd jobs to try to raise money. Howard is put to work by Bernadette in hopes of obtaining permission to go to Comic-Con.  Penny has decided that she needs to with them to Comic-Con, but neither she nor Leonard is excited about the prospect.

For all the growth the characters on this show have shown over the past 10 years, this may have been the most remarkable of them all. Raj, for instance, has given up his daddy’s money and put Sheldon in charge of his finances. As an adult who (like most do) struggles with the concept of money, I see this as two giant steps forward in one fell swoop. Most normal people getting off of their parents finances struggle for a little while before seeking help, but going straight to Sheldon is a sign that Raj wants to grow up and immediately.

Some of you may say “he still wants to go to Comic-Con, how is that growth?” First of all, I went to my first Comic-Con last year and it was incredible, and I’m 27 with a wife and child. Secondly, it’s addressed in the remainder of the episode. One by one, they realize that they might be too old for childish pursuits. Now, again, I don’t necessarily agree that Comic-Con is a childish pursuit, but putting your wife, your child, or your financial freedom first (er…at least before Comic-Con) represents the highest level of “adulting”. It’s wonderful to see such growth from characters.

Here are a few other thoughts:

  • It definitely stands to reason that Sheldon still wants to go to Comic-Con, as he’s done the least. Maybe he’ll wise up and use his body to get Amy to go with him.
  • “We don’t know. His mother never had him tested.”
  • I love how well Bernadette knows Howard. “You want something stupid or you did something stupid.”
  • “Maybe what’s in my pants will change your mind….it’s a list of this years panelists”.  Those of us who have been know that that list is way too big for one page. Nice try, Sheldon.
  • In a classic sitcom plot, Amy insists they don’t get involved with Leonard and Penny’s Comic-Con predicament, and promptly gets involved.
  • Nick’s wish list for things to see play out on screen: a rousing game of “Where’s Wolowitz?”

“The Comic-Con Conundrum” was a solid episode showcasing the strength and growth of the characters. It was a solid installment to round Big Bang‘s February run.

What did you guys think? Did you enjoy the episode? Let us know in the comments!

The Big Bang Theory airs Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS

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