The Five Best Victoria Justice Movies of Her Career

Victoria Justice

You might recognize Victoria Justice from her time on TV a little more than from her movies thus far since she was a big deal in the early 2000s and has been building her reputation since that time. Her acting talent is great enough that she’s a definite must-see if you happen to like a lot of drama that can be mixed in with comedy from time to time and a healthy dose of emotion that will possibly get you right in the feels. So far when compared to other actors she might not be the most well-known name out there but she has won a few awards and gained a good amount of nominations so it’s more than fair to say that she’s someone that deserves a lot of consideration. Her time on the big screen thus far has been extensive enough that people should be able to recognize her and realize that she does carry a lot of potential moving forward.

Here are some of her best movies thus far.

5. Summer Night

Young romantic relationships are still a big part of Hollywood since the whole coming of age idea is something that we’ve all been through at least once and have experienced from afar a few times. It’s complicated, it’s messy, and it’s bound to break hearts and upset people in droves since life is hardly ever as simple as we want it to be when love is involved and when feelings can be hurt and in effect squashed without even trying. But these types of movies are still insanely popular since people tend to want to sit and imagine that there are lives out there that are just like theirs, if only slightly more complicated, as it makes a lot of folks feel better.

4. Bigger

Quite honestly this is supposed to be the story of Joe Weider but it turns out that the trailer would have you think more along the lines of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who helped to change the world of bodybuilding once he was discovered. The kind of competition and look of such events as they’ve evolved over the years has come a long, long ways from what it started as, and while the movie might not have pulled a great deal of attention it was still something that serves as an interesting look into a world that many might glimpse from time to time but never fully understood since there’s so much more to it than just big, bulging muscles.

3. The Outcasts

Never count out the nerds, the geeks, or the outcasts in general of any school system since it doesn’t matter if they want to be cool or not, they do deserve the same respect as every human being. Of course that’s not always how high school works and in many cases those that get looked down upon need to simply stand up and remind those who think they’re at the top of the hierarchy that what goes around will always come around eventually, and the tide of those that don’t belong can be seen to be far more influential than those who believe they set the pace. In other words, the nerds, freaks, and geeks are far more numerous than the jocks and cool kids at times, and it’s important to recognize this fact.

2. Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List

Friendship and love are two very messy things that can get complicated in a big hurry, especially if limitations are put upon the relationship that tend to impede any further growth that might occur. When Ely and Naomi fall for the same guy, who turns out to be attracted to Ely, the rift between Naomi and her friend begins to widen as she realizes that she is no longer the only important person in his life. Once she comes to accept this, and the fact that no amount of love or understanding will ever make him fall in love with her, the two finally reconcile and begin to deepen their friendship.

1. Fun Size

So what happens when you and your best friend want to go to a party that could improve your social status and make you more noticeable to the rest of the student body? That’s right, your mom tells you that you have to watch your 8-year old brother and kind of ruins your night by not giving you a choice. Wren’s chance at making the party definitely hits a major snag however when her little brother goes missing and she and her friend have to go search for him as the story only gets worse as more mayhem gets heaped on and the two begin to realize that the night isn’t going to plan in any way, shape or form as they desired.

Her movies look pretty funny and touching, it might be worth it to go check them out.

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