The Best Days of Our Lives Story Lines

The Best Days of Our Lives Story Lines

Days of Our Lives fans are certainly not immune to a good story line. The show wouldn’t be decades upon decades old if their stories didn’t work and things didn’t play out the way writers want to see them play out. However, not all stories are as memorable as others. Some are just downright bad, some are common, some are boring, and some stick with us as so memorable, we can’t even handle it. It’s one of those things that make us all feel good about the way things are going, but we aren’t sure how to handle it when it all starts. These are some of our very favorite story lines — the most memorable — over the years. Is your favorite on the list, or do you have one to add? We’d love to hear!

When Carly Was Buried Alive

It’s so soap-opera like, but we think that this is certainly one of the most memorable situations to ever occur on the show. We think this story line really resonated with everyone because of how terrifying it is. It probably is not something that would happen in real life, but the idea of being buried alive is probably a big fear for many. It all began with Vivian and her anger. She wanted to pretend that Carly was dead, but she didn’t want to actually kill her and live with that without first making her totally miserable.

She really did want to draw it out as long as humanly possible, so she did. She took it upon herself to lock her in a coffin underground with just enough light and an oxygen tank so that she could see her situation and breathe — but without knowing for how long. She also put a radio in there so she could talk to her, torture her, and make the entire situation that much worse. Obviously, she was rescued, but it was one of the most memorable things that ever happened.

When Marlena was Possessed

Do you remember when it was made public that the wonderful and kind Marlena was a serial killer out to make the world a miserable place and everyone unhappy and, well, dead? We should not be surprised by this given the fact that the late Stefano was certainly a huge fan of things like making people’s brains his own so he could control them. It’s a story on this show that’s used all the time. We all knew there was no way that she was really this horrible person, but there she was killing people and taking lives. And we couldn’t believe it. Fans were almost relieved when we found out it was just a mind control situation on behalf of Stefano. It was not something we thought we’d see happen, but we won’t forget it.

Melaswen Island

Remember that one time when there was nothing but a bunch of dead people on the show? Well, it turned out that there was a killer on the loose, and there was a major situation going on. We watched as main character after main character was killed. It was shocking, and we could not get over it. There was nothing we could do but sit back and watch as people were killed left and right, and we were just wondering if there was something else going on.

Well, there was. All the people who were murdered were actually just dopplegangers of the real people, who were kidnapped and taken to a remote and very isolated island. That island was created to be a very new Salem. And it was called Melaswen Island. You’ll note that’s New Salem spelled backward. It was a totally weird line, and it worked for some. It did not work for others. We hate to sound like the bearers of bad news, but this story line plays out for us as the most ridiculous ever on the show. It wasn’t one we liked much, and it wasn’t one we really understood. But it was huge, and people loved it and at least it stuck with us. So, we presume that means it worked and it all turned out for the best and our opinion really doesn’t matter.

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