Benedict Cumberbatch: From Sherlock to Doctor Who?

British Television’s Familiar Faces

When it comes to British television, there’s no denying that certain names tend to pop up more frequently than others. With a smaller industry compared to its American counterpart, it’s only natural that we see some overlap in the creative forces behind our favorite shows. So, it comes as no surprise that Doctor Who masterminds Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have another project airing during the iconic show’s offseason. Enter Sherlock, a modern-day adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary detective, and I bet you can guess who it revolves around.

A Star-Studded Cast

Sherlock boasts an impressive lineup, with Benedict Cumberbatch (Atonement, The Other Boleyn Girl) taking on the titular role and Martin Freeman (The Office (UK), The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) portraying his trusty sidekick, Dr. John Watson. Given their collaboration with Doctor Who writers on this three-hour miniseries, it seemed almost inevitable that we’d witness some crossover between the two shows.

Cumberbatch’s Potential Doctor Who Appearance

Now, it appears that Cumberbatch may be gearing up for a stint on Doctor Who. And according to the actor himself, it won’t just be a one-off appearance. In an interview with Digital Spy, when asked if he’d be making an appearance on Doctor Who, Cumberbatch coyly grinned and replied, “Not an episode of Doctor Who.” The interviewer then inquired if he’d like to play the Doctor, to which he responded, “Maybe. We’ll see. It’s something that hasn’t really crossed my radar much, but… not an episode.”

Decoding Cumberbatch’s Response

While it’s possible that Cumberbatch’s comments were simply a playful tease, they do leave us with a bit of a mixed message. If it weren’t for his striking resemblance to Matt Smith (he could easily pass as an older version of the twenty-seven-year-old Doctor), I’d be thrilled to see him take on the mantle of the twelfth Doctor. However, a recurring role seems more plausible (if anything), and I could even envision Cumberbatch stepping into the companion role once Rory and Amy inevitably bid farewell to the TARDIS.

Sherlock’s Premiere and US Debut

The first of Sherlock’s three episodes premiered in the UK on Sunday, July 25. At the time, it was unclear when the series would make its way across the pond to air on BBC America.

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