Author: Tom Foster

A lover of great stories and epic tales, Tom is a fan of old and new-school ideas. As a novelist and a screenwriter, he enjoys promoting one story or another. With 18k+ articles and 40 novels written, Tom knows a little something about storytelling.

Are We Going to See a Kick-Ass 3?

As far as bringing Kick-Ass back for a third movie, it does sound as though more than a few people might like to see this, but Chloe Grace Moretz has made it

Hawkeye: “Ronin” Recap

It definitely appears that Clint could possibly walk away, or at least it feels like he could have, but given how invested he is in this matter at the moment

Could a Shaw Family Spinoff Work?

Even with the reality of the end to the Fast and Furious franchise starting to loom on the far horizon, it would appear that the story isn’t going out c

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