The Story Behind Marlon Brando’s Godfather Makeup
If you get right down to it the makeup for the Don Vito Corleone wasn’t really what amazed during the role. His heavy jowls, the way he spoke, and the m
If you get right down to it the makeup for the Don Vito Corleone wasn’t really what amazed during the role. His heavy jowls, the way he spoke, and the m
Some of you might be looking at this article funny but if you go online and look you’ll find that there are some movies that actually have their own spe
It’s kind of hard to think of Chris Pine being all that funny sometimes since a lot of people see him as more of a serious actor than anything close to
Ah Natalie Portman, someone you don’t hear about all the time any more but still someone you can’t get enough of when she does come around. She
Just so we’re clear, Sally Field is not dead. For some reason the rumor was put online, you know, where it can do the most damage, that Sally Field had
Waiting for Godot is something of a controversial play not in that it’s seen as offensive in any way but more so because it is so wide open to interpret
What is it about yelling in movies that gets us so jazzed up? Gary Oldman might be able to figure out, as I’m sure a lot of other people do. It awakens
It’s easy to be blown away by Daniel Radcliffe’s ability to rap since it was something no one really knew was possible until he did it. Watching h
Let’s start by saying that not everyone is going to agree with this list detailing Scarlett Johannson’s worst movies and have done with it. Of cou
You might not know Ruth Connell all that well largely because she’s far more famous in her country of origin. But she’s been gaining in popularity