Author: Mark O. Estes

TV, movies, and writing are my life and I will combine the trinity till the day I die. I also am a budding filmmaker as well.

Caprica 1.10 “Unvanquished” Recap

Caprica is back and it didn’t hesitate to hold off answering what has been on fans’ minds since the show went on hiatus back in March. Cliffhanger

90210 3.04 “The Bachelors” Review

Sweet mother of GOD what an ending!!!! Tonight’s 90210 went there and pulled out the ultimate STD card and served it to one of the main cast members. No

Previously on… ‘Caprica’

Caprica midseason premiere is tomorrow, Oct. 5th @10/9c on SyFy. It’s been almost eight months since we last visited Caprica and witnessed the birth of

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