10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ashley Howland

Ashley Howland

Couples go on “Temptation Island” for various reasons; for Ashley Howland and Casey Starchak, they went on the show to grow as a couple. Ashley did not even see the need to be on the island since everything was okay on her end. However, with time, she realized that it might have been what she needed to get some clarity regarding her relationship. Her appearance turned her into a reality star, so let’s enlighten you with facts about Ashley you might not have gotten from watching the show.

1. She and Casey met on Bumble

You do not have to put yourself out there physically when looking for love; we all know how hard it can be, especially when you are an introvert. Luckily, technology came to save the day, and with one swipe, you get to meet the partner you have been seeking. Ashley and Casey started their relationship after meeting on Bumble. The dating app allows women to make the first move if they are in a heterosexual relationship while any person can initiate a conversation for those in same-sex-relationships.

2. She did not want to be on “Temptation Island”

Men are said to be the head of the family. However, sometimes, the authority can be too much, and the women are left feeling like they have no voice. Unfortunately, that was the case with Ashley and Casey; she did not want to be on the show, but Casey insisted for selfish reasons. Although Casey said being on the series would be suitable for their relationship, what seemed to motivate him was his wish to become famous since he is hoping to be an actor.

3. Why she felt her relationship with Casey was over

Ashley may not have wanted to be on “Temptation Island,” but after finding herself there, she hoped Casey would be strong enough not to be swayed by the beautiful ladies. To her shock, Casey told one lady that he would not mind if Ashley left him so he could be the party boy he once was. Of course, those words hurt Ashley considering how much she had restrained herself from the single men who were aggressively pursuing her. She, therefore, said that revelation from Casey pushed her to start exploring her options.

4. The singles on “Temptation Island” intimidated her

When Ashley arrived on the island, she had no doubts in her mind that she and Casey would go back home as a couple. Therefore even as filming started, her thoughts were with Casey and not on any other man. However, the day the singles were introduced, Ashley saw how beautiful they were. What further made Ashley feel like she had to look out for herself were the introductions which intimidated her as she admitted to Talk Nerdy with Us. She hence started paying more attention to the girls instead of the single guys that surrounded her.

5. She has her own swimsuit company

Exposure, whether on television or in school, has us thinking of the many possibilities out there that we are not taking advantage of, so we resolve to do something about it. Ashley always had a problem finding clothes that properly fit her, but what struck her most were the bikinis. Having worked in a swimsuit line for half a year, she had the skills to start her own, A. Swim Line. By October 2019, the reality star had launched her first swimsuit, and so far, it has four bikini styles.

6. She has a YouTube channel

If you have seen Ashley flaunting her body in a bikini, then you most undoubtedly must admire her. It is this level of confidence that also helped her start a YouTube channel where she tips her subscribers on how to be curvy. It seems like almost all the workouts she posts are for achieving bigger buttocks, but there are some videos about how to apply makeup and eat healthy for glowing skin. However, despite joining the platform in June 2016, Ashely has only managed to get 3.27k subscribers, and her videos have 126,426 views so far.

7. She is not the type of girl to make a move on a man

Hearing Casey saying although he loved her, he would not mind losing her weighed heavily on Ashley. Still, despite being attracted to Ben, she said she would not have made a move. Ben hence might not have had the chance to be with her had he not kissed her; Ashley added that most probably, that would have brought the dates to an end.

8. She is no longer living in Florida

Love is sweet, but sometimes it has been said to be stupid and blind. Ashley was ready to give up everything to be with her boyfriend, even going on a show that did not interest her. She had also moved to Florida to live with Casey, but after seeing the man’s true colors, there was no point in being with him anymore. Therefore after the show, Ashley did the most logical thing, which was to move out and far away. She is now in Los Angeles, according to Bustle.

9. She makes rash decisions

People may declare they will stand by each other for better for worse, but rarely do spouses stay together when the road gets rough. Cheating scandals have ended some relationships, while others have been made stronger. Ashley thought that Casey would leave her, and even though Casey said the words had been put out of context, she did not believe him. Instead, she immediately started warming up to Ben, whom she invited to warm her bed. Casey was devastated since cheating on Ashley never crossed his mind, yet she had acted on impulse. He even regretted ever bringing her on the show.

10. She has a donut obsession

Ashley confesses to having a donut obsession on Instagram, and among the ones she adores are those from Donut Friend. With the calories that the confections carry, it is no wonder that Ashley has to work out to maintain her beautiful figure. As for her dental health, the star does not need to worry much; as a dental assistant, she knows the tricks of maintaining oral hygiene.

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