10 Things You Didn’t Know about Arvind Swami

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Arvind Swami

Arvind Swami is living his best life right now. The actor was recently asked to portray the legendary Puratchi Thalaivar MGR in an upcoming biopic, and it’s the role of a lifetime. Of course, when this news hit the media, fans began wanting to know more about the actor and his own life. He’s well-known in the acting business, of course, but it seems many people fail to learn anything about the actor as a person because they focus so much on the roles he plays. With that in mind, we thought we might take some time to get to know him.

1. He’s 50

It’s hard to believe he’s already 50, but he is. His date of birth is June 18, 1970. He celebrated his 50th in the middle of the 2020 global pandemic, which was fresh and new at that point. We imagine he didn’t get to celebrate how he might have imagined he would celebrate 50, but it worked out how it worked out.

2. He Grew up with His Parents

He grew up in India with his mother and father. His father was an industrialist, and his mother was a dancer. They are V.D. Swami and V.S. Vasantha Swami. He learned his hard work ethic from his parents. They both worked hard in their respective careers, and that helped him to see that he would do the same as an adult.

3. He Moved to the US for College

College was when he made the decision to move to the United States. He came here to attended Wake Forest University to obtain his master’s degree in international business. This came after he’d already graduated from Loyola College in Madras back in 1990.

4. He Had a Dream

Growing up, he was a young man who knew exactly what he was going to do with his life. He was going to become a doctor. He was going to study hard, he was going to learn how to become a doctor, and he was going to work in the medical field. We aren’t sure what type of medicine he was going to study, but he didn’t study it, he became an actor, and he found a new dream.

5. He Worked as a Model

When he was in college and working on getting his degree, he was working as a model. He had to have a little money in his pocket for random things – things like eating and going out and having fun with his friends, we imagine – so he took a few modeling jobs. It’s not a bad way to make a little side money when you have a chance, is it?

6. His First Marriage Did Not Work Out

It was way back in 1994 that he made the decision to marry a woman by the name of Gayathri Ramamurthy. They were married for nearly 16 years, but the last seven of those years were spent living separately from one another. We don’t know why their marriage did not work out, but we do know that they share two kids. their daughter was born in 1996 and their son in 2000.

7. He Remarried

Following what we imagine was a marriage that was over nearly a decade before it was officially over due to the finalization of their divorce, the famed actor decided to remarry. He’s now married to Aparna Mukergee. They married in 2012, just two years after his first marriage ended.

8. He’s a Good Dad

We don’t know what happened or how much custody he really has, but we do know that it’s been said he was given custody of his children at some point following his divorce. We don’t have a clue if his ex-wife is involved in the raising of their kids, if she’s sharing custody with him, if he has full custody, or if there are other things going on. We cannot be certain, but the official report is that he has custody of his kids.

9. He Has Health Issues

Back in 2005, he was in an accident that left him badly injured. He injured his spine, which everyone knows is exceptionally dangerous. The injury left him partially paralyzed in one leg. He suffered from so much pain for many years, and he spent nearly five years in different treatment programs to help his pain.

10. He Keeps to Himself

He might be one of the most famous actors in India, but he doesn’t spend a lot of time talking about himself. He works, he takes care of his family, and he stays off the internet as much as possible. He’s a private man, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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