The Untold Story Of Gabriel Fernandez’sĀ Father

In the tragic case of Gabriel Fernandez, a lot of attention has been focused on his mother, Pearl Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre. However, one key figure in this heartbreaking story that often goes unnoticed is his biological father, Arnold Contreras. So, it’s not a bad idea to delve into his complex journey and shed light on the role he played in Fernandez’s life.

As we peel back the layers of Contreras’ story, we discover a man haunted by regret and guilt. While he’s not directly involved in the abuse inflicted upon his son, it’s easy to see why he’d feel partially responsible. With that in mind, let’s explore this tragic story.

Who Is Arnold Contreras?


Not much is known about Arnold Contreras’ upbringing and background. In fact, he became a public figure as a result of the tragic death of his son. At the time of Gabriel’s death, Contreras was incarcerated in Riverside County Jail. According to him, he had a hard time coming to grips with the violent nature of his son’s death.

The Tragic Story Of Gabriel Fernandez

Gabriel Fernandez Arnold Contreras son

Born on February 20, 2005, in Palmdale, California, it was already evident that Fernandez would have a turbulent life. He was abandoned at birth by his mother and taken into custody by a myriad of relatives for the first few years of his life. Eventually, his mother, Pearl Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre took custody of the boy and that was the true beginning of the young boy’s misery. While he lived with the pair, he was on the receiving end of brutal abuse that included deprivation, confinement, cigarette burns, and physical attacks that left him battered.

Another round of abuse landed Gabriel Fernandez in the hospital on May 24, 2013. His mother made a 911 call, reporting him unresponsive and the boy was rushed to the hospital. However, there was nothing they could do upon his arrival as he was already brain-dead. After years of abuse, his body finally succumbed to all the brutal wear and tear it had been put through.

Pearl Fernandez received a life sentence without parole, while Isauro Aguirre received the death sentence for their role in the murder. At the moment, Aguirre’s sentence has not been carried out in accordance with California’s moratorium on capital punishment. While the pair are directly to blame for Fernandez’s death, it’s also a blight on the social care system. Apparently, family members had raised concerns about Gabriel Fernandez’s wellbeing but nothing was done about his situation.

Arnold Contreras’ Relationship With Gabriel Fernandez

arnold-contreras and sons

Contreras’ relationship with Gabriel Fernandez’s mother, Pearl Fernandez, was tumultuous from the start. They met in their early twenties and quickly became involved in a passionate but volatile relationship. Despite their differences, they welcomed their son into the world in 2005, hoping to provide him with a better life than they had experienced.

In the early years of Gabriel’s life, Contreras was present and involved. But his incarceration took him away from his son and unfortunately for him, he heard that his boy was being taken off life support while he was behind bars. In the Netflix docu-series The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez, the prosecutor, Jon Hatami said, “I can tell you that he (Contreras) loved Gabriel and he still loves him… I can tell you that he is heartbroken. I can tell you that he feels it’s his fault and if he was out of custody, he would have saved Gabriel.”

The Involvement Of Arnold Contreras In Gabriel Fernandez’s Abuse

It is crucial to note that Arnold Contreras was not directly involved in the abuse inflicted upon Gabriel Fernandez. At the time of the abuse, Contreras was serving jail time and was led to believe that his son was with his maternal grandparents. Like any doting father, upon learning about the horrific abuse his son had suffered, Contreras was devastated and overwhelmed with guilt. He wrestled with the immense pain of losing a child he loved deeply.

Where Is Arnold Contreras Now?

The Untold Story Of Gabriel Fernandez’s Father

In the years following Gabriel Fernandez’s death, Arnold Contreras has kept a low profile. He has made efforts to distance himself from the public eye, seeking solace and privacy as he attempts to rebuild his life. However, it is hard to stay out of the spotlight when a tragedy this public marrs your life. Nevertheless, the fact that Contreras is currently behind bars has probably dimmed the spotlight a tad bit. He is currently an inmate at Calipatria State Prison for a series of legal infringes that all point back to multiple charges against him.

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