credit: Breaking Bad
Anthony Hopkins praised Bryan Cranston for Breaking Bad, and it was all Cranston could do to not fanboy out. That’s fair, in all honesty, since Anthony Hopkins is one of the greatest actors of this era. It’s still amusing to think that Cranston, who’s now a huge star in his own right, would react in this manner.
The idea that celebrities can and do still get goosey when meeting other celebrities is interesting. It’s not that hard to imagine, as celebrities are only human. It appears that Anthony Hopkins is a big fan of Breaking Bad and enjoyed Cranston’s role as Walter White.
He’s not alone since Walter White is an iconic character that most fans fully appreciate. Since his arrival on the scene, Walter has evolved in a few ways that have taken him from a meek, mild-mannered chemistry teacher to a seriously dangerous meth cook. Trying to predict what would happen in Breaking Bad was tough, but Cranston nailed it.
Considering how skilled Anthony Hopkins is and how many great roles he’s turned in, any praise from him is worth its weight in gold. There’s no need to put Hopkins on a pedestal. It’s fair to state that a lot of people would feel goosebumps if he praised their acting.

credit: Hannibal
Anthony Hopkins is the gold standard for many people
The man that helped to further the role of Hannibal Lecter is considered one of the greatest actors ever. There are plenty of roles that he’s starred in that aren’t that great, but this is part of why he’s so great. The greatest actors are those who can move past failed movies.
But it’s also fair to state that he recognizes talent when he sees it. After so many years in the industry, Hopkins is the type of actor that can easily see the talent and appreciate it. However, one can imagine that he has his favorite characters just like anyone else.
The meeting that he and Cranston had after Hopkins praised the actor included Vince Gilligan, and it sounds as though Cranston had to contain himself. It feels safe to state that a lot of people would feel the same way.
Bryan Cranston has proved that he’s an elite actor
Cranston has been around for a long time now, and he’s taken on several different roles. One of his most memorable comes from Malcolm in the Middle, which is miles beyond the role of Walter White. But as he’s evolved over the years, Bryan has gained the notice of fans and celebrities alike. His role as Walter White has become one of the best of his career, without a doubt.
However, this does feel like the biggest benchmark of his career at this time. Walter White is a role that a lot of people aren’t going to forget anytime soon. But the upside is that Cranston is moving forward with his career even now and has been killing it with one role after another.

credit: Breaking Bad
It is interesting to think that celebrities have favorite celebrities
The idea that celebrities do follow other celebrities is kind of funny to a lot of people. It’s not that surprising since being human means that pretty much everyone has their personal likes and dislikes. But it’s still intriguing. One of the many thought processes that fans tend to have is that celebrities are peers first and might not feel the same way about each other as non-celebrities do.
Cranston and Hopkins are two of the best actors to ever grace Hollywood. Learning that Hopkins is a Breaking Bad fan and Cranston felt like a fanboy around Hopkins is highly amusing, but it helps a lot of fans to relate to both men. Way too often, celebrities are placed on a pedestal.
Moments like this remind the fans that even their favorite stars aren’t immune to enjoying the work of other celebrities. This shows that no matter how famous a person gets, they can always show appreciation for what others do. And it shows that one is never too old to be a fanboy.
Maybe one day Cranston will give praise to another up-and-coming actor
This feels like something that Hopkins would have told Cranston. Even if he didn’t, it’s fair to state that Cranston is likely the type who will extend his praise to other actors when it’s warranted. His own career has, at this point, become highly impressive.
One day, maybe he’ll sit and watch a show that features someone he believes in and will give them the same type of praise. It might not come in a letter, but all the same, it will be genuine. This is what keeps a lot of people going in this world. Hey, praise from an icon is a special thing.
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