Remembering Angus Cloud: The Late Euphoria Actor’s Legacy

Young or old, it never gets easier to say goodbye to the stars that grace our screens. In this case, another young one bit the dust on 31 July 2023. The 25-year-old actor Angus Cloud was found dead at his family home in Oakland, California.

The star was widely known for his role as Fez in the Netflix TV show, Euphoria. Since his death, there has been a myriad of well-wishes and tributes from the show’s cast. His family has also posted kind messages in his honor. In their official statement, they said, “It is with the heaviest heart that we had to say goodbye to an incredible human today. As an artist, a friend, a brother, and a son, Angus was special to all of us in so many ways.”

Angus Cloud Was In The Same Performing Arts High School As Zendaya

Angus Cloud and Zendaya

Angus Cloud and Zendaya were co-stars on the TV show Euphoria. But that wasn’t the first place the pair met. Cloud attended the Oakland School for the Arts, which is a charter school in Oakland, California. That’s the very same school the Euphoria lead, Zendaya, attended. When discussing their relationship back in school, Cloud said, “We had some of the same friends, I guess, but I didn’t really know her.” Surprisingly, Cloud actually studied technical theater while at the school. He was gearing up to work behind the scenes. However, it would seem that he was destined to be in front of the camera as he was prominently known as an actor.

Before He Got His Big Break, He Worked At A Chicken And Waffle Shop

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Most celebs who are waiting for that big break end up doing odd jobs here and there. But that wasn’t particularly the case with Angus Cloud. It wasn’t his intention to become an actor; he simply wanted a change of scenery. So, he packed up and moved to New York City after falling in love with it on what was meant to be a brief visit. The brief visit turned into a two-year stay. While he was there, he got a job at a chicken-and-waffle restaurant near the Barclays Center.

He Initially Didn’t Believe He Was Cast In Euphoria

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As mentioned earlier, Cloud was gearing up to work behind the camera. So, he never expected that he’d catch the eye of a casting agent. Apparently, he was approached randomly by an agent in Manhattan and asked to read for his part in the show. Cloud recalled being apprehensive to give her his phone number, but they eventually exchanged contacts. It took him two additional readings to land the role of Fezco in Euphoria. Till his demise, his Fez remained his only onscreen role.

Angus Cloud Often Wished He Could Have A Normal Life

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While he was no doubt grateful for the opportunities he had, Cloud often expressed that he missed his normal life. In his own words, “Can’t never go back to being a regular person that nobody gives a f*ck about… everyone’s cool, but I don’t like feeling more special than other people. I’m not better than nobody. It just feels weird to be treated like I’m important.”

The Circumstances Surrounding His Death Are Still Unclear

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If one thing is clear, it’s that Angus Cloud was notably distraught in the weeks leading to his death. According to sources close to his family, he wasn’t handling the recent death and burial of his father too well. In fact, he was nursing suicidal thoughts. In their official statement, his family explained, “Last week, he buried his father and intensely struggled with this loss. The only comfort we have is knowing Angus is now reunited with his dad, who was his best friend. Angus was open about his battle with mental health, and we hope that his passing can be a reminder to others that they are not alone and should not fight this on their own in silence.”

While his mother, Lisa Cloud Mclaughlin, has not revealed his cause of death may most likely be an overdose, she maintains that it was not intentional. According to her, his last day alive was a happy one, and he expressed his plans for the future. In her own words, “We may find out that he overdosed accidentally and tragically, but it’s abundantly clear that he did not intend to check out of this world.”

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