credit: Andor
The heat has officially been turned up on the Rebellion as Andor has showcased the effect of the ISB putting in the extra effort to squeeze their collective fist in order to squash whatever budding Rebellion is being born. As this starts up, it would appear that Luthen and Mon Mothma aren’t on the same page since Luthen is willing to go that extra mile and gain the reputation of a revolutionary, while Mon is all about being careful in order to win the type of support the Rebellion will need from within the depths of the Empire.
Unfortunately, while Mon is correct about being careful, Luthen isn’t exactly right, but he’s not wrong either when it comes to letting the Empire know that it has every reason to be a little nervous about a rebellion that might be growing within the fringes of the galaxy, and perhaps even right under its collective nose. While those that are involved with the fight are seeking to find one way or another to bring the fight to the opposite party, there are forces at work that make it clear that Cassian is not in the good graces of either side at the moment, especially if he’s being targeted from either side after how things went down on Aldhani.

credit: Andor
Mon Mothma believes in the Rebellion, but she also knows that she has a lot to lose.
It’s very easy to get lost in the idea that Mon Mothma is hesitating in her support of the Rebellion because she’s too worried about saving face in front of her peers, but it does need to be remembered that she’s seeking support, and the game of politics is a dangerous one that has to be carefully mapped out.
Those operating in the trenches risk just as much if not more, but Mon’s arc at this time is kind of easy to turn one’s nose up at since it would appear that she’s too afraid of losing her seat on the senate, but everything else as well, which could mean, to some, that she’s afraid of losing her wealth, her privilege, and all that comes with it. But the truth is that Mon Mothma is afraid of losing everything, and it’s likely that status doesn’t mean quite as much to her as others might think.
Luthen is starting to come off as the guy that sends people to their certain deaths while sounding a rallying cry.
Initially, it felt as though Luthen might have been a hardened commander that had seen things and knew from experience how ruthless the Empire really was. In truth, he’s probably still that guy, but with the reaction he gives after learning of how the job went off on Aldhani, he’s starting to feel a bit fanatical, especially after his discussion with Mon Mothma.
The truth is that the Rebellion does need credits to get rolling, but the manner in which he’s ready to conduct the business of getting said credits makes it clear that he’s willing to let the ends justify the means. This is likely one point of inspiration that allowed Cassian to become the man he was in Rogue One since Luthen is presenting himself as the kind of guy who would gladly throw wave after wave of soldiers into the fray so long as he felt that it could inspire others and cause the Empire to take notice of an enemy that won’t quit.

credit: Andor
Cassian has yet to really set both feet on the side of the Rebellion.
Just when it appears as though Cassian has finally made his move toward a better path, he slips and makes his way off into the unknown where he might be able to disappear, or he might end up getting caught for no good reason as he does near the end of the episode.
The fact that everyone else was minding their business while several individuals were running from an armored trooper should have been a clue, but then again, Cassian is the type of guy that just has to look for some reason. The punishment that was handed down is one that feels insanely harsh, but then again, this is Star Wars, and the Empire has never been known to be merciful.
Things aren’t looking all that great as the show moves forward.
One has to wonder how Cassian is going to escape prison or if there’s a time jump coming since leaving things on the note that this episode did is a bit confusing to those who don’t know Cassian’s story at this point. But the fact that he joins the Rebellion is something that a lot of people are waiting to see since it’s one of the highlights of this character that fans know is coming.
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