Alyson Hannigan: Her 10 Best Movies and TV Shows

Alyson Hannigan is a household name and one of Hollywood’s greatest comedic actresses. She has been a part of many iconic casts over her long career in the business. She’s shown countless times how talented and funny she is, which is why almost everyone in the world can recognize her face.

From legendary sitcoms to pop cultural phenomena, Hannigan graced the screen in many different projects. So, what are her most famous and best-rated pieces of work? Here are Alyson Hannigan’s ten best movies and TV shows, as well as their IMDB audience scores.

1. How I Met Your Mother (8.3)

How I Met Your Mother lily

How I Met Your Mother is one of those sitcoms that audiences will remember (and rewatch) for a long time. And Hannigan was lucky enough to be a part of this legendary show. The hit series follows a group of close friends as they navigate love, friendships, and relationships in a big city. Even though How I Met Your Mother is technically set around the main character’s recapitulation of events, Hannigan is still one of the stars of the show. She plays Lily Aldrin, a quirky and friendly character who is in a long-term relationship with her college sweetheart Marshall. Hannigan does a phenomenal job of making audiences laugh (sometimes even cry) in this role of her life.

2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (8.3)

buffy the vampire slayer willow

True fans know Alyson Hannigan from years before HIMYM when she was a part of another cultural sensation called Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This hit series from the late ’90s and early 2000s is a true masterpiece. The show follows a young woman who is also a powerful vampire slayer Buffy trying to live a normal high school life while fighting evil demons and infernal creatures. Hannigan plays Buffy’s best friend, Willow Rosenberg, who joins her in her battles and helps her like the true friend she is.

3. American Pie (7.0)

american pie - Alyson Hannigan movies tv shows

Talk about a movie masterpiece, American Pie is another cultural phenomenon in Hannigan’s impressive portfolio. The movie has a simple and a little primitive premise, especially looking back on it now through modern lenses. It starts out as a typical high school story of teenage boys looking to lose their virginities by prom night, which is why they decide to form a pact to make this happen. American Pie is filled with cultural references and influences, which made it resonate better with audiences of the 2000s. Hannigan plays a vital role in the ensemble, the film’s primary love interest, proving once again the depth of her comedic talent.

4. American Pie 2 (6.4)

American Pie 2 - Alyson Hannigan movies tv shows

Hannigan reprises her role as Michelle Flaherty from American Pie in the second installment of the story. American Pie 2 follows the group of friends who are now in college as they gather at the infamous beach house from the first movie to have some fun together. This is where the main character Jim finally gets together with Hannigan’s character, and their story as a romantic couple begins. With its charm, it is easy to see why American Pie 2 stands outs among Alyson Hannigan’s list of movies and TV shows.

5. American Wedding (6.3)

alyson hannigan american wedding

American Wedding is the third installment of American Pie. The storyline of this movie is atypical for the franchise as it’s centered around Jim and Michelle’s wedding. But when these characters get together, chaos is inevitable. Jim’s friends set up a secret bachelor party, followed by many interesting and hilarious events.

6. American Reunion (6.7)

american reunion

The fourth and final installment in the franchise is American Reunion. It is set many years after the events of the first three movies. American Reunion brings back these iconic characters as they go back to their hometown to reminisce about their high school era. Even though the sequels couldn’t live up to the original, they were still impressive pieces of work for Alyson Hannigan.

7. Veronica Mars (8.4)

veronica mars alyson hannigan

Hannigan had another impressive performance in the hit show Veronica Mars. She appeared in three episodes as Trina Echolls but still made a huge mark with her presence. The show is centered on a high school student whose best friend gets murdered, so she devotes her life to solving this crime.

8. Angel (7.9)

angel - alyson hannigan movies tv shows

Angel is a spin-off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It follows the vampire Angel who gets his soul restored as a curse and starts fresh in Los Angeles. Hannigan reprises her legendary role of Willow Rosenberg in three episodes of Angel, where she gives some of her best performances yet.

9. My Stepmother Is An Alien (5.4)

My Stepmother Is An Alien - Alyson Hannigan movies tv shows

My Stepmother Is An Alien is one of the lesser-known entries in Alyson Hannigan list of movies and TV shows. This 80’s comedy sci-fi is one of Hannigan’s first big movie projects. It follows an extraterrestrial creature who tries to seduce a physician from Earth with the aim to get her hands on his discoveries. Hannigan is just a little kid in this movie, and she plays the physician’s daughter.

10. Free Spirit (6.5)

free spirit alyson hannigan

Free Spirit is another early project in Hannigan’s portfolio. This fantasy sitcom aired for only one season, following a witch in disguise who moves in with a divorced attorney to help care for his children. Little Hannigan plays Gene, one of the children who are still adjusting to the new situation in their household but are suspicious of the new housekeeper.

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