6 Hollywood Stars Who Typically Avoid Sequels

In the world of cinema, successful movies often rely on the promise of sequels to drive their box office success and create a loyal fan base. This can lead to the development of franchises, where a single film spawns a series of follow-ups, often with varying degrees of success. Some actors have made a career out of starring in franchises, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Harrison Ford, while others have never succumbed to the allure of sequels.

For some, this may be due to a personal distaste for the concept of sequels, which can be seen as a crass attempt to milk a successful formula rather than create something new and original. Others may prioritize artistic integrity, believing that repeating the same character or story over and over would compromise their creative vision. Whatever the reason, there are many notable actors who have avoided sequels throughout their careers, choosing to focus on unique and diverse projects rather than perpetuating a franchise. So, here are 6 actors who refuse to do movie sequels.

6. Jodie Foster

Actors Who Don't Like Sequels: Jodie Foster in True Detective (2024)

Jodie Foster rose to fame in Hollywood as a child star. By the time she was just 13 years old, she was nominated for an Oscar for her supporting role opposite Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver. From here, she continued to diversify as she entered adulthood and won her first Oscar in 1989 for the movie, The Accused. In 1992, she won her second Oscar for her role in The Silence of the Lambs, cementing herself as one of Hollywood’s finest talents.

The Silence of the Lambs was a resounding success both critically and commercially. The film won five Academy Awards in total, including Best Picture. To this day, it is widely regarded as a classic. Off the back of its success, The Silence of the Lambs has enjoyed many sequels, spin-offs, and separate iterations. However, despite offers to return to her iconic role as Clarice Starling, Jodie Foster has turned down every proposal. As of the time of writing, she has never played the same character twice, joining the list of actors who avoid sequels for one reason or another.

5. Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal in Road House (2024)

Jake Gyllenhaal has tackled a wide array of roles throughout his time in Hollywood. While he isn’t top of the list of actors who avoid sequels, as of 2024, he has never played the same character twice. Even when his breakthrough movie, Donnie Darko, landed a sequel in 2009 off the back of its cult success, Gyllenhaal did not return. The Los Angeles born actor has never stated that he avoids sequels for any particular reason, however, has stated how he is always looking for new and challenging roles. Finally, a movie has come around that has convinced him to venture into sequels. After the success of the Prime Video action reboot Road House, Gyllenhaal has officially signed up for the sequel, as reported by Variety.

4. Frances McDormand

Frances McDormand in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)

Frances McDormand is one of the most acclaimed actresses of all time, with four Academy Awards to show for it. She has starred in iconic movies like Blood Simple, Fargo, and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Despite a minor role in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, McDormand is an actress renowned for her distaste for big budget movies. To that, she appears to pick her projects wisely, often leaning more towards independent movies. Furthermore, she has a reputation for not playing by the typical Hollywood rules, with refusing sequels as a shining example of that. As of the time of writing, Frances McDormand has never starred in a sequel.

3. Leonardo DiCaprio

Actors Who Don't Like Sequels: Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio‘s commitment to his craft is exemplified by his unwavering stance on sequels. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he has never starred in a sequel to any of his movies, nor has he ever considered joining a franchise. Across his illustrious career, DiCaprio has consistently demonstrated a willingness to take risks and challenge himself with new roles, eschewing the safety net of established franchises. This dedication to his craft has led him to turn down roles in big-budget movies, including parts in Batman and Robin, The Matrix, and the Star Wars sequel, Attack of the Clones.

By refusing to play it safe, DiCaprio has earned a reputation as a bold and innovative actor. The Oscar-winner has showcased a penchant for taking on complex and nuanced characters that showcase his impressive range, weaving between independent cinema and bigger productions from the likes of Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino. His acclaimed in films like The Revenant and The Wolf of Wall Street are a testament to his commitment to artistic integrity, and his refusal to be tied down by the constraints of sequels has allowed him to maintain a level of creative freedom that is rare in the film industry.

2. Daniel Day-Lewis

Actors Who Don't Like Sequels: Daniel Day-Lewis

Daniel Day-Lewis is a master of his craft, having forged a remarkable legacy as an actor who only appears on screen every few years. Despite his infrequent appearances, each of his roles has been imbued with a sense of depth and weight. The English actor has worked with some of the biggest filmmakers in the world, earning him a staggering three Academy Awards for Best Actor. What’s more impressive is that Day-Lewis has never succumbed to the temptation of sequels, choosing instead to immerse himself in new and complex characters.

This dedication to artistic integrity has led him to avoid the franchise machine, opting to take on unique and challenging roles that showcase his remarkable range. From his intense portrayal of Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood to his nuanced performance as Reynolds Woodcock in Phantom Thread, Day-Lewis’s commitment to his craft has resulted in a body of work that is both critically acclaimed and deeply memorable. By refusing to repeat himself or conform to the demands of big-budget franchises, Day-Lewis has cemented his status as one of the greatest actors of his generation, leaving a lasting impact on the world of cinema.

1. Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix in Joker (2019)

Joaquin Phoenix is one of the most enigmatic and elusive talents in cinema, refusing to conform to the expectations of Hollywood’s glamour and fame. In his rare interviews and public appearances, he has consistently shown a disdain for praise and accolades, opting instead to focus on his craft. This rebellious attitude is also reflected in his stance on sequels, which he has publicly dismissed as a means of milking a franchise’s success rather than creating something truly artistic. Instead, Phoenix carefully selects his roles, immersing himself deeply into each character, both mentally and physically, showcasing his remarkable range as a true method actor.

The results of such dedication are nothing short of astonishing, as evidenced by his Oscar-winning performance in Joker, which showcased his incredible talent and emotional depth. In 2024, Phoenix will finally break free from the list of actors who avoid sequels as he forefronts Joker: Folie à Deux, the anticipated sequel to Todd Phillips‘ groundbreaking movie. Want to read more about the movie? Here’s our take on whether the film will work or not.

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