Filmmaker Plays With Time In This Extremely Odd Video

Filmmaker Plays With Time In This Extremely Odd Video

The concept of time is a tricky one for a lot of people but with some clever editing, it becomes even more fun as this video shows a filmmaker toying around with some trippy ideas that are rather impressive when played out on screen. The argument over whether time is real or not is going to be tossed out for the duration of this article since it’s a headache-inducing debate that tends to go on and on…kind of like time. But anyway, the illusions that time can be used and altered to make on-screen are amazing given the talent and ability of those that have learned how to create said effects. Now being able to do something like this in front of people without a camera, that would be something special, but watching this is still astounding enough since it gets the mind thinking of how it was accomplished and how long it took to make this possible. The thought process that goes into something like this is just incredible since trying to think around or through something like this is, initially, kind of difficult.

Some folks can likely see how this would work without any difficulty, while others might wonder how the dynamics of it are even possible. One great thing about this video is that it’s a lot of fun to watch and could be instantly mesmerizing if one allows themselves to just sit and watch for a while. Likely as not, there are plenty of people that will attempt to figure out what’s going on and how the scenes were set up and executed since some folks have a severe need to know how everything works and how it was created. It’s a normal curiosity at least since the video is a little bit confusing when it comes to figuring out how everything was accomplished.

But the advances in technology and filmmaking have been building and building for years, and one can’t help but wonder what’s going to come along in the next ten to twenty years as things continue to advance. Just imagine what people who were alive decades ago must think of this kind of filmmaking when back in the day things such as this would have been the kind of stuff that people would have paid big money to see in a theater, even if it’s just a minute and a half. But now it’s fairly commonplace no matter how amazing it is since people tend to do these kinds of things all the time in the name of innovation and pushing the boundaries when it comes to filmmaking. It’s still an astounding bit of work that people can’t help but be impressed by, but thinking that it’s groundbreaking is taking things a little far at this time. When so many other people are able to do the same thing one has to wonder how far the boundaries need to be pushed this time in order to amaze a populace that continually wants more and more in order to get that small rush that such sights can bring. Personally, this is one of the wonders that makes the day worth living, but humanity is always going to want more.

To be honest though it would be intriguing to go behind the scenes of something like this and figure out just how this is happening. A lot of filmmakers wouldn’t want to spill their secrets, and it’s easy to understand why, but at the same time, a documentary or something detailing the ins and outs of these videos would be great just to show how such things are accomplished. If nothing else it would bring even more appreciation when it’s all said and done since a lot of people still do enjoy these videos and are grateful to find out the ins and outs, and will still continue to watch, secure in the knowledge of how it works and in wonder of the finished product. Some folks might actually want to see if they can replicate the idea or do something similar, so a kind of how-to or behind-the-scenes documentary would be highly beneficial. There are likely many ways to find out how to do something like this, but another video couldn’t hurt.

In the meantime, it’d be great to see more videos like this since it’s not only amazing to watch, it’s rather cathartic in a way since the slow-motion makes for a fun time and an easy effect to watch that can mistify and calm just about anyone. On top of that idea, there are so many different ways that this type of technique can be applied that it boggles the mind to think of them all. Admit it, a lot of people could probably just sit around and watch clips like this for a while.

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