Watch E.T.’s Classic Bike Flying Scene without accompanying John Williams Score

Watch E.T.’s Classic Bike Flying Scene without accompanying John Williams Score

One of the most iconic scenes of any Steven Spielberg movie (and there are plenty of them) is the scene in the movie E.T. where the kids are riding bikes trying to get away from the “bad guys” i.e. the government.  E.T. magically whisks them up into the air and we then see what’s known as the famous “flying bike” scene.  Watching kids riding their bikes through the air was amazing enough but it was amplified even further by the accompanying score of legendary composer John Williams.   However, what if you actually took out the music?

Would the scene be as iconic?  Would it appear as special?  The answer is a definitive “no.”  The scene is completely stripped of pretty much anything you ever thought was special about it. The scene becomes empty and if anything it has more of a comedic vibe.  Sadly you’ll probably laugh when you see this.  It’s just additional proof of how powerful music is to the art of filmmaking and telling a story, especially when Williams’ music is involved.

Check out the clip below:

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