The DC Comics movie universe is lagging extremely far behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe but DC’s got some films coming out that could potentially help them catch up. With Justice League and Wonder Woman coming out, people are getting excited at the prospect of both of these comic book powerhouses making successful films. With regards to Justice League, it’s done a bang up job of marketing so far. Last week we saw numerous teaser trailers, posters, and an eventual full length trailer that debuted this weekend. Consensus is saying that Justice League could be a formidable action movie. Well, the trailer’s certainly saying so. I’m still skeptical.
But what do you think the Avengers would have to say about that? Funny you should ask. Youtuber DrMachakil decided to create a video of all the Avengers sitting together when all of a sudden the Justice League trailer comes on the television. Pretty soon none of them are sitting and they begin watching the screen intently.
You can imagine the rest but I don’t want to ruin it for you. To say the least it’s amusing. Will Justice League start to dig into The Avengers success? Who knows. I’m pretty sure at some point we’re going to have to have an Avengers vs. Justice League movie right? That’ll be the equivalent of World War III.
Check out the video below:
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