NCIS: Los Angeles Review: The Threat Looms Larger Than Before

NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles closes one story while expanding on an even more dangerous threat. One chapter of Sam Hanna’s life comes to a close as an even greater threat looms nearer to him and everyone in NCIS.

Sam and Callen are brought to Africa with no information on the why. When they finally arrive, Sam is told that a war lord named Karume has photos of him, his wife Michelle and their children. NCIS immediately scrambles to put Callen’s family under protection. With some help from the local African special forces, Sam and Callen receive confirmation that it is not Karume who is after Sam’s family. The true mastermind is Tahir Khaled, and his sister Jada is with him.

Back at home Deeks and Kensi use their old contact Alex Elmsly for information. Unfortunately, since the leak about Sam’s family came from the inside, Naval Intelligence and the CIA refuse to help until NCIS: OSP can confirm they have their mole and can’t risk the intelligence of other agencies. While Elmsly can’t legally tell them any positive intel, he knows he owes NCIS, so he points them in the direction of a former child soldier from Karume’s army named Salim. Salim now works for an agency which raises funds to stop the recruitment of child soldiers. Unfortunately they are stonewalled. These being desperate times, Kensi and Deeks take a road they do not want to go down and blackmail Salim with a petty marijuana charge. With help from Elmsly’s CIA contact, they confirm that the organization that is supposed to be stopping Karume’s army is actually funding it.

Elmsly is in the wind after leaving behind a blood trail, but his CIA contact helps Kensi and Deeks put more pieces of the puzzle together. They theorize that the charity serving as a front for Karume’s capture actually has all of Karume’s brainwashed soldiers as its employees. With Salim’s help they find Elmsly in time and stop the leader of the fake foundation.

Sam and Callen, who cannot have help from the African authorities, go on a hunt for Tahir. When they catch up with Tahir he refuses to give up his source within NCIS. He doesn’t think Sam will torture him for the information, but he underestimates what a man will do to save his family. In the meantime Hetty has Eric and Nell trying to find Jada to be sure her brother hasn’t killed her. Once Jada is found, Hetty tries to keep her location from Sam for his own protection. He finds out anyways and decides to go after her after special forces take Tahir into custody.

When Sam and Callen finally find Jada, they find that she is safe, and she is engaged to a special forces leader from South Sudan. Jada and Sam are finally able to part on good terms, but she can’t give him any information as to how Tahir found his family. When Sam and Callen return to the safe rendezvous where they left the African officials, they return to the scene of an ambush. The men supporting them were attacked, Tahir was taken, and NCIS still has no idea who the second mole is in their midst.

How close do you think the mole is to the NCIS OSP team?

[Photo credit: Ron P. Jaffe/CBS]

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